Review :: Media
What happened to HERMAN THE SOUL BURNER and 1970's black radio pondered some author youth yesterday on CONNECT THE DOTS who was righteously featured by the Regional Director of the Nation of Islam on KPFT in Houston. I ponder whether any of them can communicate with each other. I probably won't read this book like most of those featured on KPFT and why.
The featured author refereed to Mumiah Abu Jamal's former hairstyle as "dread locks". Language is destined to change but I don't ever recall Bob Marley using the term.
One Rastafarian I knew tried to explain the meaning of the word "dread" but maybe I didn't get it.
To perceive some one as wearing dread locks that you also admire seems like Blasphemy to me but what the hell.
I liked HERMAN THE SOUL BURNER in the 70's but he worked for a white guy which is irrelevant to the discussion.
A nation, despite color or boundary, whether spiritual or physical, may require some standardized language if words are going to be used or it will probably remain divided and vulnerable.
by Albert Kada, editor of THE AMERICAN bLASPHEMER
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