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Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Culture : Media

Headquarters Workshop: Interventions in Social Space

Baltimore, MD. – March 28, 2005 – The Contemporary Museum is pleased to announce /HEADQUARTERS WORKSHOP: Interventions in Social Space/, which will be held on Saturday, April 16 from 10 am to 6 pm at the Progressive Action Center at 1443 Gorsuch Ave., Baltimore. Free and open to the public.
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Saturday, April 16, 10 am – 6 pm
Progressive Action Center, 1443 Gorsuch Ave., Baltimore People’s Bus Tour: Sunday, April 17, 2:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Baltimore, MD. – March 28, 2005 – The Contemporary Museum is pleased to announce /HEADQUARTERS WORKSHOP: Interventions in Social Space/, which will be held on Saturday, April 16 from 10 am to 6 pm at the Progressive Action Center at 1443 Gorsuch Ave., Baltimore. Free and open to the public.

"Headquarters: Interventions in Social Space," a major project coming to the Contemporary Museum in the Spring of 2006, proposes to transform the museum into a center of operations for progressive art practices redefining social space in the context of Baltimore. Some of the artists/collectives participating in the upcoming workshop include Ayreen Anastas and Rene Gabri (Palestine, Iraq), Bureau d'études (France), Emily Jacir (Palestine), Nils Norman (UK), Outer Nørrebro Culture Bureau (Denmark), Michael Rakowitz (U.S.A.), and YOMANGO (Spain, Israel, Germany).

During the course of the workshop participating artists will discuss their artistic practice and Baltimore-based activists and organizers such as Acorn, Critical Resistance, Indymedia, Anarchist Union and Megaphone Project will present their initiatives. This workshop is designed to debate, define, and structure the /Headquarters /project collectively and dynamically, and to activate a connection between the participating artists and the Baltimore community.

For further information about the symposium, please email or call 410.783.5720.

In conjunction with this workshop the Progressive Action Center and the Contemporary Museum are also organizing a People's History Bus Tour of Baltimore, an alternative tour of the city that examines the history and present living conditions of working class Baltimoreans. The tour, which is scheduled for Sunday, April 17, will begin at 2:30 pm at the Progressive Action Center, 1443 Gorsuch Ave. To reserve a bus seat, please contact Chuck D’Adamo at or 410.243.3913.

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