Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism

Protest IMF and World Bank-and Wolfowitz/Iraq!

This weekend protestors will once again descend on Washington to lay seige the IMF and World bank's Spring meetings. This time, however, there is something new: WOLFOWITZ!
The elevation of Wolfowitz to the presidency of the World Bank clearly shows the connection between trade policy and war policy.
Come on out-now is the time when it really counts! Check out fro details and calender of action.

In Iraq, Wolfowitz and his cronies intended to make the country a laboratory for the whole "free" market fundamentalism package. They were going to privatize and dismantle almost all social services and state-owned factories in what could be called the "mother of all structural adjustment programs."

This was greatly scaled back because of the insurgency. Understanding at some level that structural adjustment breeds poverty, they feared mass layoffs would just fan the flamed of resistance.

Now Wolfowitz has been moved from the Pentagon to the World bank to do essentially the same job as before, backed by the same forces as before and serving the same overlords as before.

This being so, NOW is the time to come to DC and PROTEST the IMF and World bank if you disapprove of what the US is doing to Iraq, or disapprove of what trade policies are doing to the global south. These evils are one and the same, and for once we have a clear example of how two different arms of the neocolonial octopus are connected to the same head-and in this case, are in fact the same tentacle as well.

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