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LOCAL News :: Globalization

DC Activits Greet Wolfowitz as he is installed as World Bank Prez

The Bretton Woods Derby was held today at 10am in front of the World Bank headquarters at 1818 H st. NW in Washington DC. It has been a decade since we last saw such a one horse race for President of the World Bank. This years horse is Paul Wolfowitz, best know for role as architect of the Iraq war. A little about our horse, Wolfowitz:
The Bretton Woods Derby was held today at 10am in front of the World Bank headquarters at 1818 H st. NW in Washington DC. It has been a decade since we last saw such a one horse race for

President of the World Bank. This years horse is Paul Wolfowitz, best know for role as architect of the Iraq war. A little about our horse, Wolfowitz:

He is pure bred neo-liberal with a fine lineage. His father, war, has been very successful in crushing his competitors. He was last seen in the Iraq Pillage Derby. His Mother, capitalism, has always been a favorite. But she has also received a lot of assistance from her trainer, the almighty dollar. It is worth noting that our racer was recently wedded to Empire, well there’s no stopping him now!

With all bet placed the horses approached the gate and with the bugle call the race is off!

Upon winning the one horse Bretton Woods Derby the announcer was able to ask the racer a few questions:

ANNOUNCER: So Wolfowitz, do you feel you deserved this victory?

A: Did you feel you had any real competition today?
W: Neigh!

A: If you did have competition do you think you would have won?
W: Neigh!

A: Does this victory qualify you to run the World Bank?
W: Neigh!

A: Did you look to any developing countries for advice or guidance before the race?
W: Neigh!

Well there you have it ladies and gentlemen. The conclusion of the one horse race this year brought to you by the Mobilization for Global Justice.

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