Too bad Shakespeare killed Polonius off behind that tapestry, we would have learned a lot more. By far one of the wisest characters in all the works Shakespeare ever wrote. If Hamlet was written in the 20th Century there would have been a spin-off titled Polonius for certain. Maybe Polonius would tell us how far will the spread of Islam continue and how many more deaths do we have to witness (maybe on love Al Jazeera TV?- why not?).

Albanian view of how great it would be if rainwater was beer
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Too bad Shakespeare killed Polonius off behind that tapestry, we would have learned a lot more. By far one of the wisest characters in all the works Shakespeare ever wrote. If Hamlet was written in the 20th Century there would have been a spin-off titled Polonius for certain. Maybe Polonius would tell us how far will the spread of Islam continue and how many more deaths do we have to witness (maybe on love Al Jazeera TV?- why not?).
Over the last few decades Islam has opened a full offensive against the “infidels” and there has been plenty of blood to view – YET in spite of all that – There are some people who claim Islam is the religion of peace – sure it is, and the Sun revolves around the Earth too, doesn’t it?
This is what caught my eye. There is some self prophessed “author” and “authority” on the issues of Balkan, Serbs, Jews and the remainder of that Balkan nightmare that even the natives to the land can not grasp. Enter one Stephen Schwartz claiming he did 30+ years research on the topic (in his attempt to gain credibility), and as every good car-salesman claims “objectivity” – sure, right, why don’t we all fall off the turnip truck. This Islamic propagandist now cleverly “forgets” the he’s converted to Muhamedanism and gave the Oath of Islam to Allah.
Birds know it, bees know it, when you give the Oath to Allah, truth comes somewhere in the last 38 places in the order of importance. What comes first? Islam, of course.
So now we look at geography. Is there any Islam in that part of the world? Yes there is, and plenty of it. There were attempts to re-baptize Serbian Eastern Orthodox religious shrines into a “Byzantine heritage” – just so, as to avoid the use Serbian and with ill attempts to erase all signs that anything Serbian has ever existed on that soil. This can not be. During the 11th, 12th and 13th Century the Serbian Kingdom existed just besides the Byzantine Empire and the Serbian Eastern Orthodox Church was granted autonomy from the Byzantine Center in Constaninopolis, rendering it entirely independent as you can see on one of the enclosed maps from that period.
The early years of Islam were not much different from the ones we see today.
Their beginning was marked first by the Conquest of Mecca - By 630, Muhamed and the Muslims were strong enough to attack and conquer Mecca, despite the treaty, alleging that the Quraysh had violated the treaty first. The Meccans were forced to convert to Islam, and the powerful Quraish and Umayya tribes were incorporated into the Islamic leadership by giving members of their leaders, especially Uthman, prominent positions in the military and government. By this time pagan Arabia had been converted, and the Prophet's missionaries, or legates, were active in the Eastern Empire, in Persia, and in Ethiopia. This first endeavor of Islam was based on a forced conversion of all those that were conquered. Islam has always been a profitable religion since it allowed the Muslim warriors to keep the loot, the wives and children of the ones they defeated, while the defeated men were offered conversion or death – not much of a choice if you ask me – but, what else did you expect from Islam? So another 1500 years goes by, we witness Islam’s support of Adolf Hitler and we think nothing of it. We witness the World Trade Center and we get told, REPEATEDLY: Islam is a religion of peace – except for those three lunatics over there who are making all of us Muslims look bad, those over there are the RADICAL, MILITANT Muslims and they are not the true Muslims.
Great. Fabulous, Fabimundo, Fabioriffic! Let’s all fall off that same turnip truck again. So now we are all supposed to find somebody else to blame while Islam comes here and takes our wives children and loot us four ways from Sunday? I think not. If you weren’t paying attention until now just look at the maps and notice how fast Islam has spread into European soil. Islam has swallowed Serbian lands of Bosnia already and Kosovo is nearly half gone, next targets will be Macedonia, Southern Serbia and Northern Greece, mark my words.
OK Muhammad, see these last five Serb women in Djakovica? Who do they threaten? Why kill or expel them? Can anybody please give me one little acceptable answer?
Now there is a small, traditionally rebellious little nation that stands in their way. Very much like the Jews did at Mecca and Medina (both were Jewish settlements in the earliest years, before Muhammad was even born). Now that new little obstacle is the Serbs on the Balkan peninsula who fought Islam about 30 times in their past and barely came out ahead.
With the advent of electronic media, the propaganda machinery of Goebels gets a boost. The Islamists are aided even by Jewish converts to Islam, like one Stephen Schwartz, who convieniently drops his Muslim name Suleyman Ahmad, and continues publishing in all sorts of dubious forums under his old (EXPIRED) Jewish name. As we all know the world is composed of great masses who don’t much care if right is right or left, and will follow any determined leader (Hitler was a pretty successful proof of that). In case it has not been pointed out before the grand Mufti of Jerusalem Hossein came to Berlin in 1942 to express his support of the Nazi movement, which in and of itself tells us about Islam’s similarity with Nazism – yes I do claim a great deal which is in common, to both. Let’s not quite drop the Shakespearean influence here and remind ourselves of Hamlet’s reply to Polonius: “Ay, sir; to be honest, as this world goes, is to be one man picked out of ten thousand.”
The things are equally bleak elsewhere in the world. Honesty is in short supply, and that is a loss to all of us, to the entire mankind. We get mislead by the likes of Stephen Schwartz, we get lied to by our own governments (Viet-Nam, Kent State Riots, Attica), we get manipulated into the wars with Afghanistan, Iraq, and possibly Iran too, while we don’t know the first thing about any first thing anywhere for all the tea of China. So what’s a man to do?
If you know the answer, send it to me by Federal Express next day delivery, I’ll pay for shipping.
Iliya Pavlovich

What exact danger do these five last Serbian women pose to Islam?

Branagh and Briers as Hamlet Polonius

those five women are not trained to do this - thats the danger

My favorite Richard Briers role

Serbian and Byzantine empires existed at the same time, they were never ONE

Expansion of Islam

Islam in 1580

Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Hosseini shakes hands with supporters