LOCAL News :: Activism
Photos taken Tuesday, March 22nd. The police stay on top of the peace vigilers, making them stay within three feet of their signs.

New Peace Vigil
by Jim McDonald
repost from DC IMC
Today, a new anti-war vigil appeared in Lafayette Park. DC activists Mitch and Genevieve, with endorsements from the DC Anti-War Network (DAWN) and Proposition 1 (occupants of the vigil that has been in Lafayette Park for the last 24 years), launched what they hope will be a weeklong 24/7 vigil.
The vigil, whose theme is "Convert the War Machines," was largely inspired by the Proposition 1 anti-nuclear vigil founded by William Thomas in 1981. Today was Thomas's birthday, and during a party thrown for him by DAWN, participants in the group spoke of how Thomas had personally inspired them to become activists. In fact, my own activism dates back to an encounter I had with the ongoing White House vigil back in 2000. Genevieve and Mitch likewise hope to serve as an inspiration for White House visitors to take action and to think about the various aspects of the war machine.
All-in-all, there have been no troubles as of yet in maintaining the vigil. Police expressed surprise at the new displays and have repeatedly asked questions but have taken no action against it. Several DAWN participants helped watch the vigil, allowing Genevieve to take breaks. A news crew from ABC 7 ran a positive piece about the action, quoting Genevieve as saying, "You cannot force democracy on a country, and you can't liberate it with guns." Many tourists have looked curiously on the displays and have engaged in the discussion that is the essence of democracy.
As I watched the vigil throughout the evening, I spoke with many high school students. War is maintained by the recruitment of the young to join the military, and I conveyed to them that there were new laws in place making it easier for military recruiters to have access to them and their records. They seemed genuinely upset by this fact, and one hopes that they will begin informing and organizing their high schools against these acts. These children have become the perpetual lifeblood of the war machine, and it will ultimately be these children who will help decide whether this country continues to choose war over peace.
Thomas was genuinely touched by the birthday presents, especially having new neighbors just outside the front lawn of the White House. When his vigil started, Pennsylvania Avenue was a thorofare of traffic, relevant to the residents of the District of Columbia. Since it has been closed, many activists have shied away from the spot, noting that it does not represent the real DC. While this remains true, there are enormous opportunities for dialogue and outreach here that people in other cities do not have. What's more, action on the White House has had a real effect in the past. During the 1991 Gulf War, drummers beat and protesters converged for 40 days. President Bush claimed that the drums kept him up all night. While the current President Bush rarely seems to be home, one would hope that the presence of noise and energy at this location might inspire people to take action the way it inspired me.
I hope that you will support Mitch and Genevieve's vigil, or stop by and sit with them, or give them a spell so that they might use the bathroom. Bring some friends, and if you can, commit to time there. Use the opportunity for informational outreach. Bring some drums or some songs and be merry. And, in the meantime, let's figure out the best way to resist, to cut into the supply of troops that have made this perpetual war machine possible.