The war in Bosnia was not a local conflict. The entire Muslim world participated in it, showing the consistency of its nations. Just count the nations involved in the "Yugoslav crisis" and you'll find USA, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, UK, France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Libya, Afghanistan and many more.

on such a small area so many foreign troops "keeping peace"? I am not so sure. Their record does not support any peace yet.
World War3 has happened
The war in Bosnia was not a local conflict. The entire Muslim world participated in it, showing the consistency of its nations.
A Romanian author Monica Papazu, living in Denmark, remarked: “The fate of Kosovo is an omen for the whole of Europe. The same sort of tragedy can repeat itself all over Europe, if only as a result of Islamic immigration. If we remain indifferent to the Christian tragedy in Kosovo, it will mean that Europe is losing its identity, not because of the pressure of an external power, but simply as a result of the loss of its own spiritual, cultural and historical roots. This ‘oblivion’ will cost Europe dearly.”
It’s nobody’s fault that you didn’t notice it. It was scaled down and cleverly manipulated by the media in the hands of the ruling empires (USA, Germany, UK, France, Netherlands, etc.). The “Bosnian conflict” involved tens of thousands of foreign troops, along with “financial aid” from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, armaments from Turkey, Libya, Yemen, manpower from Pakistan, Yemen, and The Sudan. In Kosovo an active Islamization is going on. In August 2000, the United Arab Emirates decided to finance the building of 50 new mosques in Kosovo. During this war a terrorist infrastructure was put in place, connected to the network of Bin Laden. Observers came to the conclusion not only that mosques and Islamic centers had become prominent in Sarajevo, but also that every quarter harbored Muslims from Arabic, Turkish, Afghan or Pakistani origin. The entire Muslim world participated in it. Powerful Islamic states, such as Iran, Pakistan, Sudan, Turkey and Saudi-Arabia supplied weapons, sent warriors and spread Islamic writings. What more is needed? Just for China to declare war on the United States for having bombed the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade “in error”.
On the other hand either the United States have not understood what it is all about, or they just played along knowing full well this will be a good source for future armaments sales. Like so often, their immediate economical and geopolitical interests have blinded them. Their objective was to protect the supplies of oil from the Gulf and the Caspian See unto Albania and at the same time to increase their influence in the Balkans. They also hoped to pacify the Muslim world. Therefore they gave diplomatic support to Izetbegovic in Bosnia and also stimulated in fact terrorism in Kosovo.
It is a grave error for anybody to try to isolate Bosnia from Kosovo; after all, Bin Laden is a passport holder of both countries. The spread of Islam just gained a foothold in Bosnia, followed by “riots” in Kosovo, in regards to which, resolution on March 31st 2004, the American Senate condemned the Albanian violence against the Serbs as ‘ethnic cleansing’. Actually, the houses of the Serbs were burnt down (more than 500) and the people driven away were Serbs (more than 4.000). These facts have to be stressed. All over the country, Albanians bulldoze churches and equalize the ground where they stood. Sometimes they even dig out the foundations, so that no trace of a Christian civilization remains. Riots resulting on 500 burned homes? Over 4000 people expelled from their homes? Over 40 churches burned? This must the “the mother of all riots”. Note that in Kosovo, an active Islamization is going on. In August 2000, the United Arab Emirates decided to finance the building of 50 new mosques in Kosovo. Five of these have already been built in Decani. Saudi-Arabia financed the spreading of the doctrine and the revival of Islam. No wonder that during the incidents in March, the crowds yelled everywhere ‘Allahu Akbar’. Just a logical continuation of the Jihad that already took place in Bosnia. Next “rioting” will be expected in Sanjak, and other Southern Serbia provinces, as well as in Macedonia in order to unite and broaden the Islamic foothold on European soil. Also in Southern Serbia and in Macedonia churches have already been destroyed. In 2001 no less than 20 churches and convents were annihilated in Macedonia. While this clash of civilizations is going on, the Serbs and the Orthodox people are generally abandoned. In the West they have even been presented as devils, by media and politicians alike and in the end Serbia was bombed in the name of humanism, human rights and peace. And for that we have to thank the unbeatable team of Christiana Amanpour and Baron Munchausen who’s reporting from Bosnia and Kosovo convinced the world that Serbian “atrocities, mass murders, massacres, etc.” need to be punished by the self-deluded Western powers. At the heart of these events is the Jihad as an answer to an earlier Turkish defeat: Islamic war against Christianity is presently fought in Kosovo. This war is only the continuation of a centuries old confrontation between Europe and the Ottoman Empire.
It should not be forgotten that the dismantling of Yugoslavia has resulted in the creation in Europe of a new Muslim state, Bosnia-Herzegovina. It looks like a new Jihad is in progress, as a revenge for the defeat the Turkish troops suffered before Vienna in 1683.
Since we already counted some 20 to 30 foreign powers present during these “riots” conflicts we also need to take into account that the territory in question is about the size of West Virginia. It would be a little cramped for all those nationals to be squeezed there in such vast numbers. Kosovo itself is about the size of New York City (Manhattan, with only a 10th of the population).
Early start and origins: tragedy of Kosovo originated a long time ago, and the policies of Milosevic have nothing to do with it. The conflict is centuries old and resulted in reprisals, violence and expulsion. With Tito and his communist regime, the tragedy entered into a new phase. Tito believed he had to break the Serbian resistance, in order to install communism. Serbs were royalists and were known as freedom fighters. The marshal decided to divide Serbia into two regions: Vojvodina and Kosovo. In 1945 Kosovo became autonomous and in 1959 the territories of southern and central Serbia were added, although only a few Albanians lived there at that time. During the 1950s and 1960s Albania was in the chokehold of Enver Hoxca the only Maoist follower in Europe which was at odds not only with all other European countries but at odds with other “brotherly” communist countries as well. A massive exodus from Albania followed and most arrived into the Kosovo province thereby tripling the Albanian population in only 20 years time. Albanian birth rate continues to be among the highest in the world to this day. A family of 12 to 15 members is not uncommon. A pro-Albanian turn took place in 1974 with the implementation of a new Yugoslav Constitution. With the Constitution of 1974, Kosovo gained even more autonomy, with as a result the accelerated elimination of the Serbs in favor of the Albanians. One would think that this Constitution was sufficient to prove that Albanians already do have the rights they claimed were missing, but not quite. During this period the demographic situation in Kosovo shifted dramatically. The Albanian birth rate was very high, and was additionally strengthened by immigration. The Serbs were gradually driven out. Occasionally, during the early eighties, the press reported about the hopeless situation of the Serbs in Kosovo, the ethnic cleansing which was perpetrated against them and also about the separatist Albanian project. Only in this context can the real significance of the expulsion of Serbs and the destruction of churches and monasteries, going on since 1999, be understood. They are the result of a long historical process and of a centuries old conflict. The UCK was slowly taking shape during the early and mild unrest at the University of Pristina, who bankrolled their activities at that time remains to be seen but Albania proper never made any secrets about wanting to expand a little bit under the leadership of Enver Hoxca.
The Kosovo “incidents” and “rioting” was very carefully staged and orchestrated. There is no secret that Albanian Narco-mafia is among the most powerful crime syndicates in Europe. They have an equally strong grip on several North American sources (Dioguardi is one from the Bronx, in New York is one beneficiary of Albanian “generosity” – while he continues to demonize Serbians and keeps insisting on Kosovo’s total separation from Serbia proper unless it becomes an outright Albanian province)My brief search through the archives found this example: "Ubijen potpredsednik SO Kosovo Polje Zvonko Bojanich
18. decembar 1998. Kosovo Rano jutros, na putu Prisstina-Pech, kod mesta Careva ccesma, pronadjeno je telo Zvonka Bojanicha, potpredsednika Skupsstine opsstine Kosovo Polje, koga su sinoch, oko 22.00 sata, oteli albanski teroristi iz njegove kuche u selu Slatina, 15 kilometara od Prisstine, javio je prisstinski Medija centar. Bojanicha su kidnapovala petorica maskiranih i naoruzzanih terorista u uniformama sa oznakama tzv. "Oslobodilaccke vojske Kosova", potvrdili su cclanovi njegove porodice, koji su se nalazili u kuchi u trenutku otmice.
TRANSLATED IT STATES: “December 18, 1998 Zvonko Bojanic killed on the road Pec to Pristina, whose body was found at 10PM, he was among the persons kidnapped by Albanian terrorists from his home in the village of Slatina… etc…”
Iliya Pavlovich

UCK Albanian terrorists cleaning their weapons to better "keep the peace"

this Serbian house was not kept for that same "peace"

Even before the 1999 NATO agression this was a daily image in Kosovo

Relatives of killed Serb police officer Goran Markovic cry during his funeral in Pristina, Kosovo, Yugoslavia Monday, Oct. 19, 1998. Markovic was one of three Serb police officers killed in the village of Orlate, some 20 km (12 miles) southwest of Pristina Saturday when ethnic Albanian Kosovo Liberation Army rebels attacked their outpost. Two other Serbian police were badly wounded.

That's what a well staged show looks like, display your dead draped in foreign flags.