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Demonizing continues

At the time of the Anniversary of the Kosovo POGROM against the Serbs (yesterday, March 17th, 2005), the same “media” which so skillfully manipulated the world into overt hatred against the Serbs goes to work again. Naturally they don’t mention the POGROM, they don’t want you to know that it ever happened. What do they do instead? They rehash some old news about Serbian villains (in this case Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic
Demonizing continues

At the time of the Anniversary of the Kosovo POGROM against the Serbs (yesterday, March 17th, 2005), the same “media” which so skillfully manipulated the world into overt hatred against the Serbs goes to work again. Naturally they don’t mention the POGROM, they don’t want you to know that it ever happened. What do they do instead? They rehash some old news about Serbian villains (in this case Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic)

Yes there is a “by-the-way-mention” of Ante Gotovina of Croatia, Ramush Haradinaj of Kosovo, but again it is the Serbians who are demonized in this article by Gabriel Partos. To cover up for the obvious shortcomings of the Hague Tribunal (Kangaroo Court), now that Milosevic has turned the table on the prosecution the BBC is posting an article “Analysis: Hague court's changing role”

If that logic continues, within a year or two we may expect even the verdicts to get equally absurd. Can you imagine the court’s verdict to state: Milosevic acquitted of all charges, and sentenced to life in prison.

I can see absurd like that taking root at the time when media is hired to wash away the mistakes which were made during the 20 years of media war against the Serbs.

Can it be only a coincidence, when such an article is published on the day of Serbian’s documented mass death and expulsion? I don’t think so.

Even the Austro-Hungarian Franz Ferdinand came to “visit” Sarajevo on June 28th, 1914 – St. Vitus day – one of the most important days in Serbian history. He was assassinated by Serbian independence seekers lead by Gavrilo Princip. Can that too be only a coincidence?
Yesterday, the documented expulsion, deaths, church burnings were reported in the very few and very carefully selected media outlets, like Glas Javnosti at: (Kosovskometohijski Srbi obeležili godišnjicu 17-martovskog pogroma
Sveće i cveće za stradale) link found at:

But BBC is by far the most influential media outlet in Europe and their propaganda is going on unabated (link at: )

The other European major media outlet is Deutsche Welle, and searching the entire week prior to this first anniversary of the Serbian POGROM, you get this: No article found, you have searched for Kosovo riots” Coincidence again?

No way. These are not coincidence these are true crimes. There are crimes of commission and crimes of omission. Here the whole Western European Media has chosen to omit the unpleasant news which is a direct outcome of their short-sighted political vision and their support for the Islamic expansionism on the soil of former Yugoslavia.

Iliya Pavlovich

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