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Today is the first anniversary of the “Kosovo riots”, and the media is silent. It is often important to notice what ISN’T said, as much as what IS said. If unopposed the lies will grow a life of their own. Let's bring some light. Well maybe "riot" is a sanitized word used by the media - perhaps POGROM is more accurate? Does anybody remember that shameless liar Jamie Shea?
would you buy a used car from her? I wouldn't.
Two more views on life in KOCOBO

Today is the first anniversary of the “Kosovo riots”, and the media is silent. It is often important to notice what ISN’T said, as much as what IS said.

The first image here is of Baron Munchausen, since the first story begins with his ideas and views: All of us remember how the media went blue in the face from all the “Serbian atrocities” during the wars in the Balkans. So, naturally, NATO had no choice but dump all that depleted uranium to “bring the peace and stability” to Kosovo. Just like every other story Baron Munchausen told us, this one has two versions: his version and the truth.

If the Serbs were so violent, so bloodthirsty and such savages, how come they are no longer in focus? Where is the evidence at the Hague Tribunal against this “butcher of the Balkans” Milosevic? The media suddenly went to sleep? No newsworthy reports from the Hague? Or could it be that the prosecution hasn’t got a leg to stand on?

Let’s take a quote from Truth In Media website in regards to Caspian Sea Oil (site can be found at: and the quote goes “Enter one Christiana Amanpour, a CNN reporter of Iranian ancestry (which CNN carefully omits), whose passionate lies or distortions aired from the Muslim Sarajevo during the three-and-a-half year Bosnian war turned the Christian Serbs into NWO "PR" minced meat. Yet magically, a female reporter in a society which ostracizes women, Amanpour gets instant access to the newly appointed Iranian President Khatami, the supposedly "moderate ayatollah."
Hm...? Has CNN become a new branch of the State Department, supplementing its Voice of America and Worldnet propaganda services?

I’m sure you remember the lady in question. She did a splendid job demonizing the Serbs – where is she now? Why doesn’t she report on the Muslim burnings of Serbian churches and killings of Serbians? – Oh well, maybe she just got tired (or perhaps retired?)

It could be that NATO needed a massive propaganda war to demonize the Serbians before it unleashed the dogs of depleted uranium so the media was feeding in the same frenzy by Christiana Amanpour (if you saw her only once – you’ll never forget her).

Some of the bellow pictures will show you similarities between Serbia and Israel. Both countries are fighting militant Islam and both are not viewed in a similar fashion. Since Kosovo is the birth center of Serbian culture and religion, it would easily compare to Jerusalem. Imagine that Muslims are “rioting” in Jerusalem? That would be a very hard sell. I bet even Christiana Amanpour with Baron Munchausen couldn’t sell that lemon.

Front Page Magazine Internet edition has this valuable asset:
Julia Gorin is a New York-based writer and contributing editor to, in relevant part it states: “Imagine that a country is fighting domestic terrorism by Muslim militants who are carrying out attacks against police, government officials and citizens in a bid to carve out their own state, hoping to provoke a response from the government that will alarm the international community. Imagine that the world duly intervenes, and a peacekeeping force is sent in, paralyzing the nation’s ability to defend itself, and effectively doing the militants’ bidding even as attacks against the non-Muslim population continue. Finally, imagine the intervening internationals severing this nation’s Jerusalem from it and handing it to the provocateurs.”

If we stay with the religious line of thought, it may become somewhat obvious why it is the Jews and the Serbian Eastern Orthodox who are both such a vital target to the Islam.

Chronologically speaking all Christianity was born from Judaism. Again chronologically, Eastern Orthodox Christianity is by far the oldest form of Christian faith practiced on Earth today. If you look at some of the enclosed photos you’ll see that smoke from Jerusalem’s damage is identical to the smoke of Serbian churches damaged in Kosovo, a year ago today. Even more pronounced are the similarities between the men who are prominent religious scholars or theologians with both respective faiths.

The New Nuerenberg, as the Hague Tribunal was often dubbed, has reached a point of no return. The prosecution has fallen flat on its face and has to engage strictly in the “damage control business”.

Look at this cute little inconsistency: Prosecution’s witnesses were:
K123, K124, B234, B456, C456 etc etc. Those were “protected witnesses” – OK, I’ll buy that. How come the defense has no protected witnesses? Never mind the fact that most prosecution witnesses were either caught in outright blatant lies or managed to discredit and contradict themselves by their own testimonies, or by Milosevic's vigorous cross-examination.

The witnesses for the prosecution were laypeople with pronounced hatred for the accused and often engaged in verbal assaults against Milosevic.

The witnesses for the defense have so far been foreign dignitaries, professors, doctors, teachers, ministers and ambassadors, people with impeccable records with regard to humanity, civilisation and overall good to mankind, and their testimonies remain challenged but never disproven.

Do you notice a slight change in the quality of witnesses brought?

CONCLUSION: For both Part I and Part II
There is Serbian proverb about a human tongue, and it says: “Kosti nema ali kosti lomi” – translated “bones it has not - but bones it brakes”

Similar (if not identical) events here. NATO hired Baron Munchausen to spread the stories of evil Serbia in the, the baron was bi-sexual and appeared as Christiana Amanpour and as a male appeared as Jamie Shea (also a little too conspicuously absent). The most unpredictable act of God happens – 9/11/2001 Islam attacks New York. The West starts waking up to:
a) Attack on the Word Trade Center
b) Attack on the Madrid train station 3/11 in Atocha
c) Muslim confrontation in the Phillipines
d) Muslim re-inforced Chechen “rebels”
e) Killing of over 300 persons (mainly children) in Beslan, Russia
f) Theo Van Gogh – a Dutch film-maker killed by Muslims for having made a film critical of Islam
g) Richard Reid the shoe-bomber gets arrested for yet another attempted attack on the airlines
h) Richard Reid’s co-conspirator arrested in London admits to the plan to blow-up airliners
i) Now that the demonized EVIL Serbians are nearly all gone from Kosovo – Albanians start burning Serbian churches
j) The documented Mujahedin fighters in Bosnia have numbered in the tens of thousands of “international volunteers”
k) There are consistent stories that the most wanted man on Earth, Osama holds both Bosnian and Albanian passports.

For me, the situation is quite clear. The spread of Islam is impeded by both Israel and Serbians. The Kuran mandates continuous conversion of “infidels”. Being bogged down the Islamists resort to overt violence as has been the case throughout Muslim history which we can follow from its earliest days, namely, preaching one thing and doing another as early Muhammad, in Mecca: spirituality, tolerance, (were preached) and all those Kuranic verses that were to be abrogated later on when he moved to Medina. Having ethnically cleansed and robbed of property all but one of three Jewish clans in Medina, in A.D. 627 Muhammad decided to deal with the last, Banu Qurayzah. He offered the men conversion as an alternative to death. Upon their unsurprising refusal, some 900—exact numbers are unknown—were decapitated, one by one, in a ditch surrounding their encampment, in front of their women and children.

This short Anniversary overview poses a profound philosophical question: Is there a God? (we know that there is a God) – so, we must conclude that there is a Satan also. And the only possible answer to the origins of Satanism seems to be laid at the door of Islam.

William Shakespeare’s Macbeth has an apt observation in the regard of all the above:
“Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more; it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
- - - William Shakespeare "MacBeth"

We better look a the few pictures here – it’s less demanding on the brain.

Iliya Pavlovich
Uncrowned princess of LIES, LIES AND PROPAGANDA. Remember her?
It's all his fault
Israeli girls buying ice cream but ever ready for the Muslim martyrs - if vanilla doesn't stop them - the rifles will.
Another view of the same Baron
Andy Willis cartoon (self-evident)
Damaged icon of Jesus Christ (an enemy to Islam)
smoke from damages to Jerusalem
smoke from damages in Kosovo
rabbi Wasserman, would you trust him?
Serbian Bishop Artemije (note the similar look to Hasidic rabbis), or would you trust this one?
Or would you rather trust this fellow?

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