Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

News :: Protest Activity : Right Wing

Been to Planned Parenthood in DC Lately?

Saturday morning at Planned Parenthood in DC, there is always religion going on in the front yard.
Saturday morning at Planned Parenthood in DC, there is always a religious protest going on in the front yard.

There is no shortage of religious symbols waiting to greet people who are going to visit the clinic. The Virgen of Guadelupe on one side and a picture of an unborn fetus the size of a 4 year old on the other side.

First they pray. Then they sing. Then they say the rosary.

Some visitors ask for escorts to get through the gauntlet of Jesus' fervent followers.

It's like a dance of rightwing protest, leftwing piety, with the police nearby to make sure everyone stays in line.

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