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Was the Roman cry, while Hanibal’s elephants were freezing crossing the Swiss Alps towards Tuscany. The cry was a little premature, but those who waited long enough did see Hanibal at the gates of Rome in 219BC. “Cartagena delenda” was the Roman answer to Hanibal’s expedition and Cartagena was deleted. For some historians this was one of the many seeds that germinated into pre-natal Fascism, which sprouted on European soil only some 21 centuries later.
Hanibal was fighting snow before he faught Romans, but he was on elephants.

Was the Roman cry, while Hanibal’s elephants were freezing crossing the Swiss Alps towards Tuscany. The cry was a little premature, but those who waited long enough did see Hanibal at the gates of Rome. “Cartagena delenda” was the Roman answer to Hanibal’s expedition and Cartagena was deleted. For some historians this was one of the many seeds that germinated into pre-natal Fascism, which sprouted on European soil only some 17 centuries later.

I saw a parallel. It consists of the core observation by Huey (the Kingfish) Long: “Fascism will come,” Huey Long once said. “in the name of anti - fascism” - it will come in the name of your security - they call it “National Security,” it will come with the mass media manipulating a clever concentration camp of the mind. – Look around yourselves y’all.

Not one but two concentration camps will be at hand to home the dissidents:

a) the concentration camp of the mind (without concertina wire and razor wire fences)

b) The real brick and mortar camps (with the above wiring), but those will be “elsewhere”, namely Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Kosovo, etc.

Although I would not include the possibility of having similar camps in Canadistan and Mexicostan if things start going real badly.

The super state will provide you tranquility above the truth, the super state will make you believe you are living in the best of all possible worlds, and in order to do so will rewrite history as it sees fit. George Orwell’s Ministry of Truth warned us, “Who controls the past, controls the future.”

Additionally, I believe we have reached a time in our country, similar to what life must’ve been like under Hitler in the 30’s, except we don’t realize it because Fascism in our country takes the benign disguise of liberal democracy. There won’t be such familiar signs as swastikas. We won’t build Treblinkas, Dachaus and Jasenovacs. We’re not going to wake up one morning and suddenly find ourselves in gray uniforms goose - stepping off to work ...

Don’t forget that Fascism is not some green monster, three headed alien. It can assume very human and even patriotic colors.

The adaptability of Fascism is the greatest danger. In the past it’s has appeared as an advanced form of NATIONALISM as the extended hand of PATRIOTISM, and the most palatable name it used was National Socialism (The Weimar Republic paid a dear price for that one). As Benjamin Fraklin would say: "Experience keeps a dear school, but a fool will learn from no other".

So, Fascism can appear differently in different countries. Even the Anti-Fascist Stalin managed to outpace the deeds of the true Fascists although they were nominal opponents. It just goes to show you that Fascism can morph its way into any society.

Let's quote another Franklin just for fun: "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.
- At the signing of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776."

In his March 4th article at, Justin Raimondo (link here: remarks:
“The events of 9/11 were an enormous defeat for the U.S., and it is precisely in these circumstances – the traumatic humbling of a power once considered mighty – that the fascist impulse begins to find its first expression. That, at any rate, is the historical experience of Germany, for example, where a defeated military machine regenerated itself on the strength of German resentment and lashed out at Europe once again. The terrible defeat of World War I, and the injustice of the peace, created in Weimar Germany the cradle of National Socialism: but in our own age, where everything is speeded up – by the Internet and the sheer momentum of the knowledge explosion – a single battle, and a single defeat, can have the same Weimarizing effect.
The Republican Party's response to 9/11 was to push through the most repressive series of laws since the Alien and Sedition Acts, starting with the "PATRIOT Act" and its successors – making it possible for American citizens to be held without charges, without public evidence, without trial, and giving the federal government unprecedented powers to conduct surveillance of its own citizens. Secondly, Republicans began to typify all opposition to their warmaking and anti-civil liberties agenda as practically tantamount to treason. Congress, thoroughly intimidated, was silent: they supinely voted to give the president a blank check, and he is still filling in the amount…”

The real bombshell explodes with: “"The most significant socio-political shift in our time has gone almost completely unremarked, and even unnoticed. It is the dramatic shift of the red-state bourgeoisie from leave-us-alone libertarianism, manifested in the Congressional elections of 1994, to almost totalitarian statist nationalism. Whereas the conservative middle class once cheered the circumscribing of the federal government, it now celebrates power and adores the central state, particularly its military wing."

Now for the rest of us mortals, the question is not only do we notice it or not, but what do we do to stop it (or in Republican vernacular: how to get an abortion to this fetus of death). If Raimondo is right (and I think he is), we are one incident away from our collective downfall.

This is how he terms it: “we are a single terrorist incident away from all that: a bomb placed in a mall or on the Golden Gate Bridge, or a biological attack of some kind, could sweep away the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and two centuries of legal, political, and cultural traditions – all of it wiped out in a single instant, by means of a single act that would tip the balance and push us into the abyss of post-Constitutional history.
The trap is readied, baited, and waiting to be sprung. Whether the American people will fall into it when the time comes: that is the nightmare that haunts the dreams of patriots.”

We have all been partially brainwashed if there is any truth to the Gallup’s finding that 1 in 4 Americans would use nukes as it is published at:

AWACS: Advance Warning system that I have built, can be found at:



A little over half a century ago there was this fellow with narrow mustache who was also advocating the “highest form of Patriotism” by calling it Nazional Sozilasmus. His salute did match the Roman “Ave” – salute, as we begun with a brief look at the plight of the Romans.
Even the priests learned to proper salute at one time, they apparently saw nothing dangerous in "a little accelerated Patriotism".
Now these guys here are definitely NOT priests, yet they salute just like the priests (or is it the other way around)
One of these two fellows might provide us a reason why to get even more militaristic, let alone balistic.

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