March 19, 2005 marks the second year anniversary of the United States’ illegal invasion of Iraq. In solidarity with military resisters and their families we will be marching in Fayetteville, North Carolina to “Bring the Troops Home, Now!”
As youth and students we have seen tuition hikes, budget cuts, and the increased militarization of our schools. We have seen the belligerent and often racist repression of our classmates and our professors. We have seen our loved ones and our friends' loved ones lied to and sent off to die--all so that Washington can wage an endless war on the world.
We and many of our brothers, sisters, classmates and friends have considered joining the military for college money. But, no one should have to sign up to kill and be killed for an education. We refuse to sit by as our lives are marred and denigrated by the military and their wars for conquest. We demand money for schools and job training not for war and occupation! We won't be made cannon fodder for oil and empire!
Join us on March 19 in Fayetteville, North Carolina to say: “We Won’t Go: End the Occupation, Now!”
CONTACT: Desmond Gardfrey
(Georgia State University, Students for Peace & Justice)
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