LOCAL Announcement :: U.S. Government
“What’s Wrong with America?”
WHO: Author and anti-war activist JONATHAN NEALE
WHEN: Monday, February 21, 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: Progressive Action Center, 1443 Gorsuch Avenue, Baltimore
Contact Virginia Rodino for more details:
rodino-AT-riseup.net; 443-996-5915

Jonathan Neale is a leading anti-capitalist campaigner in Britain and one of the organizers of the Genoa protests. He was part of the civil rights and anti-war movements in the United States in the late 60s and early 70s. Briefly a university teacher of anthropology, he was then a union steward and district secretary for hospital workers in London. Jonathan has worked as a carpenter, a hospital technician, an abortion counsellor, an HIV test counsellor, a magazine copy editor, and is now a full-time writer. He is the author of You are G8, We are 6 Billion and What’s Wrong with America? He was recently a delegate to the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil in January 2005.
Jonathan was born in New York and lives in Britain. He went to the Prague protests against the IMF in September 2000. Since January 2001 he has been a spokesperson and organizer for Globalise Resistance, the main anti-capitalist umbrella group in Britain. He was one of three delegates from Britain to the Genoa Social Forum, the body that organized the protests.
Jonathan lived in India for three years of his childhood, and in 1971-1973 did anthropological fieldwork with nomads in Afghanistan. In 1997 he spent three months teaching English in the school in an indigenous Pemon community in Venezuela, and wrote a play for children in England based on one of their myths. Recently he spent thirteen months in Nepal and India researching a history of Sherpa climbers. Jonathan has also traveled extensively in Polynesia, Turkey and Africa, and has a PhD in social history from Warwick University.