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Baltimore IMC

Review :: Elections & Legislation : Europe : History : International Relations

Bush strongly forward

As cynical as it may sound, many of the successes that Bush is credited with, started as silly mistakes committed by Clinton. To that end, Bush owes him both a slap in the face and gratitude
Bush strongly forward fostered with the most unexpected unity and strength

Bicycles are easy. Every child can ride one. But try a bicycle at your college years and you’ll scream to get your life back. During our college years a bicycle gets broken down into functioning bits, the mechanical principles of function, the turning of the wheels, the Laws of physics, the pushing of the pedals, generating of energy, momentum, factors as uphill/downhill, and in two days flat you don’t want to see another bicycle as long as you live.

Regretably, this sad principle is called LEARNING and we have to continue using it until our bright children invent a better one – this is the best one known to us now – today.

To better understand Bush we must take a quick look at Clinton (his predecessor in the Oval office), and find the mechanics. Regardless of how horrible it sounds to relive Clinton’s huge errors of judgment, his total and absolute disregard for principles of morality, his overt insult to the American people, his poor judgment and worse attempts to cover LIES, his audacity to define IS….. list goes on and on. Many people I spoke with, even wondered if there is any ONE SINGLE GOOD THAT CAME OUT OF CLINTON’S 8 YEARS. The unanimous answer – up to now, has been NO. But wait, the best thing that Clinton produced is actually not to be seen among the Clintonites. His remarkable failures have produced George W. Bush. Rather than dissect Clinton’s many errors, and thereby perform a moral suicide by reliving it, I shall focus on what I found to be key points/falsehoods (in his dictionary listed under accomplishments):

a) the stock market boom

b) the stock market collapse (bubble popped)

c) the Internet boom

d) the Internet bubble popped

e) the unilateral, misguided support of Muslims in Europe and dubious gratitude of Muslims on 9/11

f) Madeline’s (IN)ability to read beyond first page of our traditional allies in Europe (was she once Check or Czech?)

g) Madeline’s popularity at home (who’s the fat girl?)

h) Wesley Clark’s rise and fall, rise and fall

i) The jogging hamburger

j) The Sex-a-phone player

k) Do we appease the Muslims with somebody else’s blood because we “need” their oil? Or do we become their “friends” after we get the oil? Naaah, never-mind that, let the next president deal with Muslims.

l) Price is wrong

m) Greatly exaggerated expectations

n) present gains for future pains

o) Hedonistic, self-centered business of flattering everybody with the need to be loved (by Monica, Jennifer, etc.)

p) Give Hillary a toy (Senate), she might stop foaming at the mouth

q) Alert of an almost exhausted alphabet, how about starting to use Arabic numerals – the oil producing countries might give us a few browny points on account of that.

r) Noah Webster issues a new American English dictionary out of his grave

Whitewater – if it’s white it can’t be clear;

failures = what failure?

Lies = I never inhaled;

that woman = Hillary gives a better blow job, but Monica is younger

question = how exactly do you define IS?

This seems insurmountable to any mortal that follows in his footsteps.

If you possess anything that is built on solid principles (even a hot air balloon), it can’t be just popped, first it must spring a leak and gradually deflate. How else to explain the sudden collapse(s) of the Stock markets and the Internet stocks. We were told those were artificially inflated. So far I am aware of only one person in a high office who was fond of blowing (a minimum of three meanings).

Since Mr. Slick exited on a high note (in musical terms), he forgot to bring with him the hot potato he “unintentionally” forgot at the Oval office.

All was well, but some things (some other things) were not well at all. But. God was watching. And a Texan gets office.

True to form, imbued with mistakes of the past, Bush throws himself at work. Cabinet get re-cabineted. We get capable fierce new faces. Powell comes in with full force. Condi is even stronger. Every move, the President makes, seems to outdo the excellence of his prior move, and the first few moves were beyond excellent. Rightfully inhaling his victories (note what was the predecessor inhaling or not), the President now nearly chokes on the smoke of the 9/11. But does that scare him? Let’s get Shakespeare to answer that one from the opening of Macbeth in Act One:

Dismay'd not this
Our captains, Macbeth and Banquo?

Sergeant: Yes. As sparrows eagles, or the hare the lion.

Even the following comment might be a testament to our President’s tremendous insight. There is a common Muslim proverb stating: “If the hill will not come to Mohammad, Mohammad will go to the hill.” – in simpler words no matter where you are, you and your hosts will pay for this, we’ll fight you anywhere. This way Bush almost proprietizes the role of God proverbialy as "the Vengence will be mine" - a lot of us plain fold like to hear things like that and see them implemnetd without much Sex-a-phone trumpeting. So, off goes the dispatch to the United States Armed forces.

Looking to downplay President’s tremendous resolute firmness and decisiveness, irrespective of the pressures he was under, we get to hear the NO WAR cries spoken in pure Clintonese. Now I get to ask myself: is it the fault of him that healed the wound or is the fault of him who made the wound? I think I’ll go with option B. So, as in every other war, our military responds with valor, honor and strength. Now the cause is almost lost for the Clintonese speakers and no stone is left unturned. A few insects were found under the rock of President’s credibility in regards to some service record, but on account of: paper, rock, scissors: THE ROCK wins against the insects. So, we get to learn more foreign languages: Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, insurgents, etc. Our president’s vision is clear. He does not get sidetracked. His commitment is strong and above all else clear. A man with such convictions continues to win at home as well. His uncompromising stands on Social Security, Abortion, Gay marriage, Supreme Court nominations, etc. get to earn him even more admirers.

This is the paradox of all paradoxes.

If you conclude that Clintonese was spoken with the search for love, appeasement, affection, and take into account the results (defeated Gore, defeated Kerry), you might get the impression that this type of search was not most productive. On the other hand we have our today’s President whose strong convictions, decisive measures, have brought him not only love and admiration of many others, but re-affirmed some basic Republican principles. Republicans are probably more inclined to negotiate from the position of strength, but there are also many “fringe Republicans” who would rather “shoot first-ask questions later”. I can’t determine if our President’s prime goal was to reunite and foster the Republican values, views and unite all of their factions, but he certainly succeeded there more than any other person in his position, (we’ll make an exception for Lincoln – having to deal with the Civil War, he had to re-unite even more diverse views). It almost seems that every single move our President made has had perfect results. In words of Henry II King of England (1180): "Nothing in this world has any business being perfect". With the wisdom of this remark we take a brief look over the centuries and conclude that the downfall of most Emperors, successful leaders was a byproduct of their good, strong policy that at some point became stretched too far and too thin to maintain itself:
a: Alexander’s voyage from Greece, to Egypt – Afghanistan;

b: Russian dominance over Asia from 1940s to 1980s,

c: re-emergence of China in 1980s and onwards

d: Spain’s dominance over Latin America (15th to 19th Century)

e: Ottoman Empire’s dominance of Southern Europe from 14th to 19th Century)

f: Dutch stronghold on the West Indies, with toe-holds in Latin America and the far east.

g: French dominance in North Africa

The list continues in our absence, but this is enough to bring the point home. There is a danger to present successes of President Bush, although they have united many elements of various factions within the Republican domain. That danger, I see exactly within the strongest achievements of the GOP’s own lines. Encouraged with the successes of the present leader, we, on occasion, see even the dubiously re-titled views that may have been called Fascist not too long ago. How did we get those? Simple. They were dormant for quite some time. Now empowered by the success, skill and talent of this President they too came out having re-draped themselves with American flags.

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