Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD : Environment : Globalization : History : Labor

Mark Reutter & Sparrow's Point: An Overview on the Destruction of our Bay

A lecture by Mark Reutter, former write for the Baltimore Sun and author of "Sparrow's Point: Making Steel" will present his newest version of his book, complete with the demise of the Steel Giant, the aftereffects, and the damage caused by the company to the Chesapeake Bay.
You are invited to attend a lecture and slide show by Mark Reutter, author of Making Steel: Sparrows Point and the Rise and Ruin of American Industrial Might.

The lecture on "Making Steel: The Legacy of Sparrows Point" will be held Tuesday, February 15, at 7 pm in the Business Center Auditorium. The lecture will touch on business and labor history as well as the environmental impact of Sparrows Point.

Mark Reutter's presentation will be followed by a reception and book signing in the Business Center Atrium.

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