Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Baltimore MD

Benefit for Anarchist Political Prisoner

FRIDAY FEB 4th, 7PM (sharp!)
Benefit event for Chicano anarchist political prisoner in Oregon, Rob Los Ricos Thaxton (see below)

And release event for "WHY AREN'T YOU SMILING PRETTY GIRL?' : our thoughts on the greatest city in america, a zine by the Baltimore Women's Collective.
[repost and forward to people please!]

FRIDAY FEB 4th, 7PM (sharp!)
Benefit event for Chicano anarchist political prisoner in Oregon, Rob Los Ricos Thaxton (see below)

And release event for "WHY AREN'T YOU SMILING PRETTY GIRL?' : our thoughts on the greatest city in america, a zine by the Baltimore Women's Collective.

$3-5 dollar (or more!) donation requested!

Red Emma's Bookstore CoffeeHouse * 800 St. Paul St. *

57 Octaves Below (beautiful haunting melodies)

Songs Of August (Acoustic counterpart to 1905)

Rachel Jacobs (amazing acoustic indie-punk)

With readings between bands from the zine "why aren't you smiling pretty girl?' : our thoughts on the greatest city in america, by the baltimore women's collective.
'This zine has art, poetry and narratives about being a radical feminist in a city struggling with racism, class segregation and the is about alot of stuff, all having something to do with baltimore related to feminism and anti-racism.' email for any other info.

On June 16, 1999, Rob Los Ricos traveled to Eugene, Oregon to attend an anarchist conference and a Reclaim the Streets festival. Arrested by police during the June 18 Reclaim the Streets demonstration-turned-police riot, Rob was accused of throwing a rock at a cop, and was subsequently beaten by police. He was ultimately charged with rioting, first degree assault, and second degree assault. Used as a Latino, out of towner, anarchist scapegoat example of what can happen to those who dare to rebel, Rob was given a nearly 8 year prison sentence.

Rob Thaxton has the possibility of getting out early from prison. There was a change in Oregon law that made a number of prisons eligible for early release. Rob is applying for it. If he got out, it would be as early as April. Which would be fabulous, of course, but he's really worried about coming out to nothing. So there are some of us who are trying to organize fundraisers for him, so that he can come back to a little bit of money.

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