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LOCAL News :: War in Iraq

22 sign letter to Move On re DNC for troops out now

We want "Move On" to tell the Democratic National Committee: "Call for the immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq or Move On will organize a mass exodus from the Party and organize a third party registration drive, starting next month."
Dear Eli Pariser and Move On staff, January 27, 2005

We, the undersigned, are asking you to send this letter to all Move On groups in the country for an internal grass-roots discussion and vote on the following strategy.

As you recently told us, by February, the chairperson of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) will be chosen, indicating the direction and Democratic platform of the next election. Move On criticized the Party leaders for being "closer to the corporate lobbyists than the democratic base" who are "struggling for health care, clean air, decent jobs and a sane foreign policy." Move On asked their email list to contact Democratic Party officials to promote the selection of DNC leaders with "bold Democratic vision," who "will reconnect with its constituents" and "use this new grassroots energy to catapult us to victory."

The DNC's choice next month may be the last chance for Democrats to be viable in the next electoral period. We will be remiss if we do not use the only power we have to leverage a good DNC choice. But if they make the wrong choice, we would be fools to continue supporting the Party.

The only power we have over politicians is the threat of organizing a mass walk-out from the Party. Votes are all they care about. If they think they can always count on loyal pawns to mobilize the base and deliver the vote or that we will always vote the lesser of evils, we will never get what we want. We need to draw a line in the sand.

The plan is to tell the DNC: "Call for the immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq or Move On will organize a mass exodus from the Party and organize a third party registration drive, starting next month."

This strategy is based on two related propositions:
1) Ending the war is more important than all other issues combined, and
2) Ending the war is more important than electing a pro-war candidate like Kerry. (Remember his concession speech: "Now, more than ever, with our soldiers in harms way, we must stand together and succeed in Iraq and win the war on terror.")

The "bold Democratic vision" and "sane foreign policy" Move On asked the DNC for must mean "troops out now." But most Democratic leaders say it is "sane" to stay in Iraq to rebuild the country and stop a civil war. But we know the war is for oil. They think it is "sane" to bankroll Israel's brutal occupation, even though it provokes Islamic militants. We have to be very specific. The war in Iraq is the issue which trumps all other issues put together. If Move On cannot have the vision and courage to put teeth in a demand for an immediate troop withdrawal, how can we expect the Party to do so? The Party will gain respect only when its stands on vision and principle, win or loose.

A pro-war Democratic candidate is a catastrophe, creating a bipartisan assault on American credibility. If we allow our concern about abortion rights, court appointments and other domestic issues to take precedence over America's moral standing in the world, not to speak of the blood of innocents, it says we are more concerned with the convenience of Americans than the lives and sovereignty of other peoples. This nationalist policy will be condemned in the court of world opinion.

Ending the war is more important than winning elections. A hundred years from now, history books will talk about how the U.S. violated international law with military aggression for oil. Which party was in power will only be a footnote. Domestic issues will likewise be a footnote. War determines the fate of hundreds of millions of people. It trumps all other issues.

1. The war is generating more righteous jihadists who have good reason to retaliate.
2. The war is bankrupting us and indebting our children and their children.
3. The war is killing thousands, wounding tens of thousands and hurting families.
4. The war removes funding from health, education, housing and welfare.
5. The war and its industry destroys the environment at home and abroad.
6. The war causes media self-censorship and lies, brainwashing the public.
7. The war causes mental illness and abuse of women and children.
8. The war weakens free speech and constitutional rights.
9. The war wastes irreplaceable energy and resources, not to speak of labor.
10. The war weakens U.S. influence to do good in the world.

The corporate leaders of the Democratic Party are playing us for a bunch of suckers. As long as they take our support for granted, they will have us over the barrel. Let us tell the DNC that we will not wait any longer for an anti-war commitment. Let's tell them that most citizens oppose the war and deserve a promise to vote against it. Let's tell them we will leave the Democratic Party if the DNC does not demand troop withdrawal right now.

Recognizing that the war trumps all other issues, the undersigned registered Greens and Populists pledge to lead a "re-join the Democrats" movement if Move On is successful in getting the DNC to say "troops out now" this February.


Registered Democrats:

Linda K. Brown, Baltimore MD
Ronda Cooperstein, Baltimore MD
Prof. Cliff DuRand, Baltimore MD
Joe Halloran, Baltimore MD
Emily R. Lattimore, Ponte Vedra, FL
Claudia Leight, Baltimore MD
Hannah Miller, San Fransisco CA
Dean Pappas, Baltimore MD
Joan Parr, Baltimore MD
George Peabody, Washington DC
Bonnie Raindrop, Baltimore MD
Lynn Robinson, Baltimore MD
R. J. Schroeder, Dubuque, Iowa
Frank Trotta, Baltimore MD

Registered Greens, former Democrats:
Chris Herz, Frederick MD
Barry Kissin, Esq., Frederick MD
Barbara Larcom, Baltimore MD
Max Obuszewski, Baltimore MD
Richard J. Ochs, Baltimore MD

Registered Populist Party:
David Havelka, Takoma Park MD
Jeremy Moody, Maryland
Joseph Schroeder, Baltimore MD
Kevin Zeese, Montgomery County MD

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