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BTL:Angry U.S. Iraq War Veteran Criticizes Excesses of...

...Gala Bush Inaugural Celebrations ~ Speech by Aidan Delgado, U.S. Army reservist and Iraq war veteran, produced by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Angry U.S. Iraq War Veteran Criticizes Excesses of Gala Bush Inaugural Celebrations

Speech by Aidan Delgado, U.S. Army reservist and Iraq war veteran, produced by Scott Harris

As George W. Bush took the oath of office for another four years in the White House, more than 10,000 protesters took to the streets of the nation's capital on inauguration day, Jan. 20. Mingling with the president's supporters -- many who were clad in mink coats -- demonstrators carried signs and voiced their opposition to a long list of Bush administration policies, including the war in Iraq, attacks on civil liberties and the rolling back of environmental protections and reproductive rights.

Early in the day, thousands of Bush opponents gathered for several rallies and marches in locations around Washington, with many later attempting to walk through security checkpoints to stand along the inaugural parade route on Pennsylvania Avenue. One group, International ANSWER was successful in obtaining a permit to have their own protest bleachers along the route.

Aidan Delgado is a U.S. Army reservist who recently returned from combat duty in the Iraq War. Delgado, who has been granted conscientious objector status, spoke to thousands of Bush opponents at Malcolm X Park, where hundreds of symbolic flag draped coffins were on display, before being carried off in a march toward the White House.

For more information on the local and national groups which organized anti-Bush events at the Jan. 20 presidential inauguration, visit the website

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