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LOCAL News :: Protest Activity

End The War On Terror a.k.a. This Warring of Religions

This is a local issue, a state or regional issue, a city issue where you live, an issue for each person, and not a Global Issue. Want to end this warring of religions? Debunk the religion and take the power to manipulate its membership away from clerics and priests. Freedom from religion is the only way its going to get done and stay done; along with saving our species and our planet. You already know this to be true.

There are no ghosts, gods, spooks, or spirits

The book, The Gospel Writers at: proves it.

What you will learn here is that there are no ghosts, gods, spooks, or spirits, regardless of the elaborate rituals attached to these Homo sapien exclusive concepts, except as a series of adaptation strategies throughout the history of our species. In other words, there is only one way to prove to you that a god does not exist; and that is to prove to you why one does.

Let's end this warring of religions by debunking these religions that are an offshoot of Judaism and the Torah; specifically the Old Testament.

There is also an important medical reason for going through detoxification from Old Testament using religions (those that sprang from Judaism). Many practicing members of these religions suffer from a "compulsive helping behavior," recognized by the medical community as "Codependency." Those that suffer from this behavioral disorder find themselves focused in an unhealthy way on the "fixing" of others. It is easier to try and "fix" someone else than it is to "fix" themselves. Fixing themselves requires taking an in-depth look at the world, its people, and its conflicts, and retraining ones intellectual (cognitive) and emotional self to respond to these environmental conditions in a different and healthier way. Under what they believe to be helpful, Codependents are compelled to "fix" people, groups, and even other nations; which can cause the ones being fixed to feel like they are being judged as somehow being defective. Most people do not like to feel that they are being judged as defective or wrong. They get angry (from feeling hurt) and even retaliate in response to someone trying to "fix" them. Codependents feel that they will be OK (and even safe) as long as other people, groups, and nations, are OK; and they feel uncomfortable (or not OK) when they have intellectually interpreted (correctly or incorrectly) and/or emotionally perceived (correctly or incorrectly) that others are not OK (uncomfortable, suffering, depressed, angry, jealous, grieving, and other emotions originally mislabeled as negative feelings). The paradoxical part of this behavioral disorder is that it is usually driven by a combination of perceived loneliness, fear, guilt, non-acceptance, and the desire for friends, yet the behavior creates and perpetuates its own loneliness, fear, guilt, and non-acceptance, especially in social situations outside of a Codependent's religious (church or temple) family. We will also find out later on that "Codependency" is a valuable "Worker Bee" behavior encouraged by the Ruling Class.

Further Reading:
Guns, Germs, and Steel by Pulitzer Prize Winning Author Jared Diamond, Ph.D.
Liberating The Caged Human Animal by Dr. Peter Hercules MD


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