If you suppose that the major religions today, take their roots from Judaism, (in one way or another) it becomes evident that only one major quality of Judism has survived - and even that one is now endangered: Gemuilt Chasidim, (Greek-eleos, Serbian - milosrdje), but this sanctity of life is nowhere to be found in Islam, which presents an additonal root of the conflict in the Middle East.
As if the grounds for conflict (conditionally speaking) aren't already abundunt enough, there is yet another wide discrepancy on an issue of vital importance. Sanctity of human life. As we all know The Talmud clearly says: "he who saves one life, it is as if he had saved the world entire". According to our predecessors (starting from the Pagan and non-monotheistic Greeks, Romans) AGAPE (type of broad all-encomassing love) is the essence of all religions. We can see plenty of AGAPE in charitable work of both the Jewish and the Christian faiths, but far less from the Islamic countries/sources. In addition to that we have the instance of LOVING CHARITY (Gemuilt Chasidim - Hebrew or milosrdje - in modern day Serbian AND OLD Chruch Slavonic common language to all today's Russians, Poles, Serbians, Croatians, Slovenes, Czechs, Bulgarians, Macedonians and Slovaks). It is to be noted that "gemuilt chasidim" is not the same as mitzvah (Yiddish for good deed). From today's activities among the major religions we see it being present in both the Judaism and Christianity but most definitely absent in Islam. If you think about things and try to paint an absurd picture of the world - try imagining a Jewish suicide bomber - you'll never succeed at it. It's even hard to envision an occurance like that in spite of Israel's punitive strikes on the Hamas or Hetzbolah leaders. As if the principal combatants in the Middle East needed more grounds for conflicts. But to the rest of us who are not in the Middle East this illustrates a profound divison between the two warring parties and their ideological differences.