Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Gender and Sexuality

Freedom From Marriage: A Queer Forum Against Gay Marriage

On January 19th, in Washington, DC, there will be a discussion at the J20 Convergence Center Queer Space on the topic of Queers challenging the race and class implications of gay marriage, and examining the interests of those who stand to benefit from it the most. (6:00 PM, 39 New York Ave. RED line)
Gay marriage has mobilized many groups of American voters and advocates over the past three years, some touting it as the “last frontier of the civil rights movement,” and others as the demise of a holy heterosexual sanction. Homophobic reaction aside, who stands to benefit the most from this appropriation? Of the 1,049 Federal benefits granted to married citizens, how many of these benefits are rooted in class, and how many of them will never be enjoyed by working-class Queers? What kinds of legitimacy is granted to same-sex unions through the State or Religion -- two institutions that have historically murdered, ignored, and oppressed the Queer-identified? Why has the gay rights movement taken this issue as its most important, when trans social justice is still in its infancy stages in this country, or when Queers of color still suffer from systematic racism and disenfranchisement on top of homophobia, or when sex workers and street youth are pushed out from their Queer communities by lesbian and gay gentrifiers? A twenty-five minute presentation will take place on the topic of Queers challenging the Gay Marriage Movement, followed by an open discussion. All are welcome. Free literature and zines will be provided for further reading on the subject.

Washington, DC
Wednesday January 19th, 2005
6:00 PM
J20 Convergence Center
Queer Safe Space and Organizing Zone
39 New York Ave. (RED Line)

Note: On January 20th, at 10:00 AM, there will be a Radical Queer Action meeting at the J20 Convergence Space (39 New York Ave.) to discuss the scheduling of Queer actions throughout the day. BRING IT LOUD AND ROWDY!

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