News :: Activism
Stand with F.I.S.T.!
FIST - Fight Imperialism, Stand Together - a group of young socialist organizers who fight the racism, sexism, LGBT oppression, and working class exploitation that are the results of imperialism and capitalism.

Stand with F.I.S.T.
*FIST - Fight Imperialism, Stand Together - a group of young socialist organizers who fight the racism, sexism, LGBT oppression, and working class exploitation that are the results of imperialism and capitalism. We believe that the only way to achieve true liberation for all peoples throughout the world is through socialism.
*From the anti-war movement, to struggles against police brutality, bigotry, globalization, and more, youth have played a decisive role in all progressive social movements. We are living in a time when the need for a revolutionary movement, especially among youth, is stronger than ever.
*Youth are being forced to kill and die in a criminal war against the Iraqi people. The possibility of finding a job with decent wages and benefits is getting slimmer all the time. The number of youth, particularly youth of color, being brutalized by the police and locked in prison grows larger every day. Tuition is skyrocketing at universities all over the country, making it impossible for youth to get an education without incurring a huge amount of debt.
*It's time for youth to organize and build the type of society that puts people's needs first. F.I.S.T is dedicated to achieving such a society by building a multinational, multigendered organization of revolutionary youth.
FIST stands with all youth who are engaged in struggle against imperialism in all of their forms. The solution for youth is not in the voting booth, it's in the streets!
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