Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Commentary :: Media

If Karl Rove Operated IMC

If Karl Rove operated an IMC he'd want white space. Lots of it. The blanker, the better. Indoctrination cannot succeed when there is resistance to it.

He'd also prefer if the Features section did not regularly contain new and interesting articles found on the Newswire. (Portland's IMC does this regularly.)

Karl Rove would also be happy if the Features section seldom changed. One article per month sounds like a nice flow. Particularly during a time when the world has just seen one of the world's greatest disasters ever.

Rove would also be happier if the one feature to appear in the last month reaffirmed Bush Regime propaganda about why the invasion of Iraq took place. Yes, Rove thinks, he'd like his IMC to repeat the propaganda of the State.

It's a good thing Baltimore IMC keeps fighting back.


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