For a long time now, millions of Homo sapien colonies have been very disappointed in the brain members of their colonies, especially in the last 8,000 years. They have been crying out, by way of stress and illnesses brought on by stress, "Why have you abandoned instinct, sight, sound, and smell, and placed so much more value on what is heard?"

Our definition of Life on our planet has been debated for many years. I propose the following, for your consideration: That there is only one indigenous life form on our planet Earth, and that it has developed itself into billions of different versions. I believe that DNA itself is Life, which is comprised of four nucleotides known as adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine. And that DNA Life, builds itself into whatever it thinks it needs to survive, based on environmental circumstances; what we call an adaptation strategy.
The first of these different versions were Prokaryotes, which date back approximately 3.5 billion years. You and I therefore, are one of many versions of this single indigenous Life form on our planet; this Life form we call DNA. You might say that we are each a colony of DNA and that similar DNA colonies are referred to as a species.
If human arrogance prevents you from considering yourself as a walking colony of DNA, that once decided to leave the competition of the ocean environment to hunt for food and reproduce on land, (and also brought its own water along to thrive in by storing it in a water retaining membrane we call the epidermis, who are also members of the colony), then so be it.
However, someday we will be able to enlist the help of just one of your DNA colony members, and with its help, build a very close duplicate DNA colony, less the original colony's unique nutritional and environmental history and the colony's unique stored life experiences, which include unique associated responses and interpretations, as a result of the colony working together with each other. In other words, less that traditional part which you cognitively and comprehensively comprehend as being, "You."
I would also ask this question, "Have you ever experienced a colony rebellion or request that appeared to ignore your feelings on the matter, leaving you feeling helpless and irritated with the colony?" What about (1) a stomachache? (2) gas and bloating? (3) the desire to mate even if the time seems inappropriate or embarrassing? (4) a runny nose? (5) diarrhea? (6) a headache? (7) a muscle strain that limits your movement? (8) feeling sleepy or yawning at an inopportune time? (9) a stomach growl to request food at an inconvenient time? (10) a sneeze? (11) an itch?
I would say that, if you have never experienced any of these colony rebellions or requests, then I congratulate you; it would appear that you are the governor of the colony rather than the colony cooperating collectively to govern you.
However, if you have experienced any of these colony rebellions or requests, and accept the idea that all flora and fauna on the planet are a DNA colony, then it would probably change the way you see other colonies, especially those that are referred to as the Ruling Class within the Homo sapien species. In other words, your new outlook toward each Ruling Class member would be: "a DNA colony thriving in a moist environment." The question then becomes, "Whose DNA colony is more important? Yours or theirs? Or are they equally important, with no DNA colony having anymore right to planetary resources than the other?" If you have not noticed, non-Homo sapien DNA colonies have always understood this. That no DNA colony has anymore right to planetary resources than any other DNA colony.
There are numerous behaviors that your colony performs everyday, without your knowledge or consent. And, the behavior a DNA colony displays, has always been a more accurate form of communication than a vocalization made by a colony (what we call "words" and a "word language"). In fact, many times words and behaviors are almost complete opposites. I once asked a person who was scratching the back of their head, "Got an itch?" They responded, "No" while they continued to scratch and try to make the itch disappear. Have you ever experienced someone's words and behaviors not matching? Now that I think about it, I guess it would be similar to the Roman Catholic Church.
Anyway, a tree or a shrub DNA colony appears to have decided not to elect a leader. However, animal DNA colonies decided that if they were going to be moving about from place to place, especially on land, that a leader would probably be a good idea. So a number of colony members in the typical animal DNA colony, have been selected for a leadership role and for some intermittent decision making activities. But fear not, the really important activities that a colony performs, like air conditioning and heating, oxygenation, food processing, and trash removal, are keep out of the hands of the leader, least the leader do something stupid like forget to tell the lung members of the colony to breath in air, or forget to tell the heart members of the colony to pump oxygenated blood, and to deliver food to the rest of the colony members, including themselves.
Unfortunately for Homo sapien colonies, what started out as a great idea to mimic the sounds that other colonies made, and warn other colonies when a predator colony was near by, has really turned into a mucky mess. Instead of using instinct, sight, sound, and smell to make those limited leader decisions, the brain members of the colony, started to focus on hearing only for making decisions. Homo sapien colonies, had developed their vocalization communication technique into a full blown "word language." And this colony communication technique could be used for either the good of the colony, or it could be used by another colony for the good of that colony only.
For a long time now, millions of Homo sapien colonies have been very disappointed in the brain members of their colonies, especially in the last 8,000 years. They have been crying out, by way of stress and illnesses brought on by stress, "Why have you abandoned instinct, sight, sound, and smell, and placed so much more value on what is heard?" All sensory input is important for making good decisions. Yet the brain members of these colonies, have ignored the other members of their colony.
These brain colony members ended up listening to sensory information that was false, and even though they could have used their other senses to validate false sensory input, they didn't. That was a really bad idea. Now you know why really important activities, like air conditioning and heating, oxygenation, food processing, and trash removal, were not left kin the hands of the brain members. Which brings us to our next point.
If you are a DNA colony that practices a religion, which uses the Old Testament, such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, or Mormonism, you are probably wondering about that life everlasting soul (also known as the end of life immortality treat), a god, spirits, a heaven, angels, and so on. Well here's the short-answer version for Homo sapien DNA colonies:
Why there is a God, or more correctly stated, "Why there has to be a God."
Old Testament religion was a social Legal Tool, prior to its more commonly known use as a social Spiritual Tool. In order of importance, following its use as a Legal Tool, it was a Homo sapien Domestication Tool, which included a basic Public Health program. Following its use as a Legal Tool and Homo sapien Domestication Tool, Old Testament religion was used as a Spiritual Tool; or Dependency Tool depending upon how you look at it.
Unfortunately, as a Homo sapien Domestication Tool and Spiritual Tool, it was designed to keep brain members out of touch with the rest of the colony by ignoring them. And as a Legal Tool, it was designed to make your brain colony believe that your colony's right to planetary resources, especially land and water, was null and void. In short, it was all a hoax to steal your access to any planetary land and water without first purchasing it, and then paying taxes on it, until you died.
Now aren't you glad that the really important activities of the colony, like air conditioning and heating, oxygenation, food processing, and trash removal, were not left in the hands of the brain members? Otherwise these religious and Ruling Class Homo sapien colonies might have manipulated that too. If you want more evidence about how early Ruling Class DNA colonies and early religious DNA colonies deceived your ancestral colonies, read Ezra Chapter 1 verses 2-11 regarding Cyrus of Persia. Then, read what Cyrus of Persia actually said, which is recorded on a clay cylinder of his, stored at the British Museum in London, England. It is know as Cyrus' Cylinder. His version of what he said, and the Old Testament version of what he said, is substantially different; and you'll almost immediately, within the few paragraphs, figure out that the Old Testament version was actually a land-grab hoax. And if you still want more evidence to convince you, research "The Donation of Constantine." To remind you of how greedy, tenacious, cruel, and evil this Old Testament land-grab hoax was, 30,000 to 50,000 Homo sapien DNA colonies in Europe were destroyed (murdered) by the Roman Catholic Church over a four-hundred year period, known as the Inquisition.
DNA Life gave Homo sapiens, instinct, sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch, similar to all animal DNA colonies, so that these colonies could make the best decisions possible. We were to use them to validate information, like getting a second opinion from the doctor; that's what they were built for. If your colony can not see a god, hear a god, smell a god, taste a god, and touch a god, then the fact is, there is no god. And wanting one to exist, or imagining one to exist, makes no difference.
I remember wanting to ride in Santa's sleigh and fly high in the sky with all of his reindeer, and even visit him at the North Pole. But the fact is, year after year, my DNA colony did not see a flying Santa sleigh, hear a flying Santa sleigh, smell a flying Santa sleigh, taste a flying Santa sleigh, or touch a flying Santa sleigh. That's makes six separate and professional colony opinions to help me validate the existence of a flying Santa sleigh; a sleigh that some other colony told me about. The diagnosis? There is no flying Santa sleigh, regardless of how much I imagine or want one to exist.
Next time another DNA colony tells you there is something you cannot see, hear (unless you are schizophrenic), smell, taste, and touch, and yet it exists, see them for who they are: a DNA colony thriving in a moist environment. And be happy for them, that they are not in charge of their own air conditioning and heating, oxygenating, food processing, or trash removal, either.
I believe that the most rewarding concept that one can take from this article, is the concept of community. For you are "a colony." And as a colony, you will never ever be alone. Because no matter where you go, or what you do, your entire colony will be there with you. Your DNA colony members even possess intelligence. Yet be patient, for we all know that DNA strands think very slowly. So slowly in fact, that changing their mind or deciding to make a change, can take as long as 20,000 years (by way of a prolonged environmental impact on the colony's chemistry). But even slow thinkers can make the best of friends. And if there truly is only one indigenous life form on our planet Earth, one that has developed itself into billions of different versions to survive, every different version is a relative or an ancestor, including plants, viruses, bacteria, fish, bugs, cats, dinosaurs, birds, and the faithful family dog.
I wonder if Muslim clerics would lose their power to manipulate the Middle Eastern Homo sapiens they talk into blowing themselves up, for a fictitious holy war that benefits only themselves and the Ruling Class, if they all knew what you know now? I wonder if Jewish and Christian clerics would lose their power to manipulate the New World and European Homo sapiens they talk into going to war in the Middle East, for an unspoken and fictitious holy war that benefits only themselves and the Ruling Class, if they all knew what you know now? What do you think? Maybe a commercial on the Super Bowl would start the ball rolling or an international newspaper and magazine ad campaign. I guess we will never really know, until someone gives it a good try.
You do realize that the most powerful and destructive weaponry ever invented in the history of our civilization, including nuclear bombs and deadly viruses, are in the hands of people who believe in ghosts, gods, spooks, and spirits, along with an apocalyptic end to all life on our planet, and immortality in a beautiful place called heaven where they can be reunited with loved ones that have already died? In short, they believe that if all life were to suddenly come to an end, they would still have a place in heaven; not unlike suicide bombers are brainwashed to believe in. Now how scary is that? Especially since "Thou Shall Not Kill" has not been a big deterrent in Iraq lately.