Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: U.S. Government

Monday - Painful Deceptions screens @ Red Emma's on 12/27

On December 27th at 7:30 p.m. Red Emma's will screen Eric Hufschmid's groundbreaking analysis of 911 called "Painful Deceptions" (2003). Painful Deceptions is the video version of Hufschmid's extraordinary book "Painful Questions" (2002). Hufschmid has inspired many to join the 911 Truth Movement. This is particularly true of Jimmy Walter, the millionaire who has been taking out ads in New York newspapers in recent months that encourages people to review Hufschmid's work.

Painful Deceptions is eccentric, minimalist and an intellectual de force. Armed with just a computer, a candle and a kitchen stove, Hufschmid raises questions about the official story of 9/11 that demand to be heard.

A discussion about Painful Deceptions will follow the screening.

The suggested donation for the event is $5. Alternatively, interested parties are encouraged to pick up a copy of 'Painful Deceptions' (or another excellent video, "911: In Plane Site") at Red Emma's for only $12.

Red Emma's is a collective-run, Anarchist bookstore/coffeehouse that is located at 800 St. Paul Street (at the corner of St. Paul and Madison Streets).


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