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News :: Civil & Human Rights

4th billder surgery for biotech 12-27-04

4th surgery within one year to remove what appears to be biotech infection perped by bush crime family on activist Bill Gallagher. Visit

Public notice being made of surgery in VA hospital in Albuquerque NM on 12-27-04 for very odd recurring skin cancer akin to many types brought back by GI's of the first gulf war. These cancers react with explosive growth when exposed to certain radiations and energy types (EM) perped through the chemtrailing program here which is just a way to make ALL Americans sick over an extended period of time. NOW EVERYONE HAS GULF WAR SYNDROME:

Good chance this is the final outcome planned by the bush crime family and their israeli allies to silence dissent. The full experience has been notated here: is felt by some that this will become the norm, or already has become the norm, concerning activists and freedom fighters of the bush nazi fascist regime which has taken over America for Israeli bankers. Doctors are totaly unaware of this biotech attack on the populace, and the biotech was created with nonaccountability in mind: doctors can call it skin cancer and consider themselves correct, although the majority of doctors are totally unaware that, according to the CDC, 10 of the 12 manufactured bioterrorism agents used by people such as the bush crime family MANIFEST CUTANEOUSLY, and mimic skin cancer.

* Skin lesions are the most common manifestation of extrapulmonary disease. Cutaneous lesions favor exposed areas and enlarge over many weeksÑfrom pimples that are minimally tender to well-circumscribed verrucous or ulcerative lesions, often with little inflammation. Verrucous lesions demonstrate raised irregular borders with crusting and purulent drainage, while ulcerative lesions are characterized by sharp and heaped-up borders with centrally located granulation tissue and exudate. The typical verrucous or ulcerative cutaneous lesions of blastomycosis may mimic skin cancers, such as basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Other disorders, such as pyoderma gangrenosum or keratoacanthoma, also may be confused with blastomycosis.

...The fungal cells in human tissue present with the same features as those observed in the inner portions of the plants. ..The lesions develop slowly at the site of implantation, producing a warty nodule, which tends to be limited to the skin and the subcutaneous tissue. Over the years, the nodule grows centripetally. In many instances, the central parts of the lesion heal, leaving ivory-colored scars. The disease tends to spread to neighboring healthy skin, forming plaques, which, at times, can involve a whole limb. When nodular lesions predominate over the plaques, the disease assumes a typical cauliflower aspect. Both lymphatic dissemination and cutaneous dissemination have been described. When clinically presenting as a verrucous plaque, chromoblastomycosis may mimic several dermatoses that also manifest as a verrucous plaque; these conditions include cutaneous leishmaniasis, sporotrichosis, cutaneous tuberculosis or mycobacteriosis, as well as squamous cell carcinoma.

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