Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: War in Iraq

Walkout Inauguration Day and the Anniversary of the invasion of Iraq

Walkout Inauguration Day and the Anniversary of the invasion of Iraq
Global WALKOUT for Peace, Freedom & Justice for All
WALKOUT Thursday January 20 and Friday, March 18, 2005
Walkout Inauguration Day and the Anniversary of the invasion of Iraq

Please consider this proposal:
This week we had a meeting in Tucson about the walkout. We decided that most cities plan to walkout on inauguration day so we changed the date of our first walkout from January 14th to January 20th. We hope everyone will consider walking out on both January 20th and March 18th. I have spoken with Not In Our Name in Seattle and Kate at The Student Environment Action Coalition and they are excited about the walkout. SEAC is also talking to Books Not Bombs about the two walkouts. They thought March 18th was also a great day to walkout and that would give us even more time to get unions on board. We have talked with a national teachers union and the longshoremans union and they are asking their members to consider the walkout. This weekend we handed out over 1,000 flyers at the 4th Avenue Street Fair in Tucson. Lots of people came to our table wanting to know how they can help. One man faxed our flyer to every number he had and I had a few emails as a result. Many people have emailed me to say they have been sending out the website to their email lists so it seems that the world is getting out. Please call and email as many people as possible. Organize a planning meeting in your community.

In Tucson we are planning a march starting at 3:30 from the University of Arizona to the Federal Building. We will also have a Critical Mass Bike ride and some people are interested in occupying a congressional office.
The next walkout meeting in Tucson is January 6th at 6:00 pm at the Cafe at 121 E. Broadway near South 6th Ave.

Keith McHenry
cofounder of Food Not Bombs

Walkout Inauguration Day and the Anniversary of the invasion of Iraq
Global WALKOUT for Peace, Freedom & Justice for All
WALKOUT Thursday January 20 and Friday, March 18, 2005

Walkout Inauguration Day and the Anniversary of the invasion of Iraqi
Now is the time for you the people to come together, and “stand up for your rights.”

Today our constitutional rights, liberties, and freedoms are in jeopardy, along with the fate of mother earth and her children. Walkout the Friday before the inauguration and the Friday of the anniversary of the invasion of Iraq and show that the people have power and who ever is elected
will have to listen to our voice.

Over 100,000 civilians have been killed and over 1,000 young Americans have died since the
illegal war on Iraq started on March 20, 2003. Everyday we learn of gruesome acts of torture and
crimes against humanity. The true outcome of the vote in the U.S. election is in question and the world is in crisis. Nuclear war, global warming, disease and ecological collapse threaten the world. We face cuts in access to healthcare, education and income. Consider walking out of your job or class on January 20 and March 18, 2005. Let the war profiteers know how we feel. Make the government and
corporations pay a cost for their crimes.

Activists all over the world are planning two weekends of actions to stop the illegal war and Bush's agenda. One proposal is a walkout on Friday January 20th and March 18th where workers and students take the day off. The walkout can cause war profiteering corporations billions of dollars and shut down schools sending Bush a powerful message. Some people may occupy congressional offices and military facilities. There will be teach-ins, concerts, marches, rallys, blockades, banner hangings and all kinds of actions designed to show that the world wants an end to the war crimes in Iraq and that we reject the Bush agenda. Feel free to start planning the walkout and other actions in your community. The protests before the war were the largest actions for peace in world history. This could be an even larger.
Join the people of the world on January 20th and March 18th...and make the dream for peace

Come together students, artists, musicians, students, teachers, actors, cooks. waitresses.
longshoremen, truckers, lawyers, contractors, veterans, bus drivers, homemakers, cashiers, maids, janitors, grocery, office, sanitation,farm, factory and train workers walk the road to freedom and peace.
Consider organizing a community event or celebration. Email this to your lists. Copy this flyer and pass them out.

Call the Global Walkout Proposal - Uma 707-544-9229 or Keith McHenry 1-800-884-1136

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