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Baltimore IMC

News :: Civil & Human Rights

It's beginning to look a lot like Nazis

It's beginning to look a lot like Nazis

It's beginning to look a lot like Nazis
Ev'rywhere you go;
One wrong look gets you five to ten.
And they're listening once again,
Just like the sixties with Cointelpro.

Oh it's beginning to look a lot like Nazis.
It's frightening what's in store.
But the scariest sight you'll see,
Is the agent that will be,
At your own front door.

A space-based missle defense and all Muslims incensed,
Is the wish of Rummy the Sven.
While stealing their oil and political spoils,
Is the hope of Condi and friends.
And George and Dick can hardly wait 'til martial law begins.

Well it's beginning to look a lot like Nazis,
Ev'rywhere - and how;
There are cameras on the street,
So we all must be discrete,
And careful not to raise suspicion now.

Yes it's beginning to look a lot like Nazis,
Soon the purge will start.
And the thing that will make you sing's,
When you feel the electrodes sting,
Deep within your heart.

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