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January 20 Action Update: RISE Against Bush/SHINE For A Peaceful Tomorrow

DC Anti-War Network (DAWN) announces that its counter-inaugural rally for January 20, 2005, will be at Malcolm X Park at 9 AM, with a permitted march on the White House and die-in actions to follow.
The DC Anti-War Network (DAWN) has chosen locations, times, and march route for its January 20 RISE Against Bush/SHINE For A Peaceful Tomorrow action.

This action, which has been endorsed by United for Peace and Justice, involves a permitted anti-war march and rally as well as separate nonviolent civil disobedience die-ins. You can read the call to action at

DAWN's rally will be:
January 20, 9:00 AM
Malcolm X Park
(called by DC "Meridian Hill Park" 16th and Euclid Sts. NW)

The march will begin at 11:15 AM and will proceed toward the White House to Franklin Square Park, where people can proceed to the parade route or other actions.

Permits are not only in application, but also we have general assurances from the Park Police and the DC Police that these parks and this march route will be acceptable. We would describe our Thursday meeting as friendly. So, a general understanding has been reached, and we will move forward and will stick to our plans.

Housing and Rides
Housing and rides and all other events can be found at

We have two flyers for you to download and distribute.

(full page)

DAWN is a 100% volunteer, nonhierarchical organization. We do not have a yearly budget or a paid staff. This is truly a grassroots effort. As a result, we need your donations to make this happen. To donate, please go to

More die-in details will be forthcoming. For those interested in planning that part of the action, please attend the next meeting at 1233 12th Street NW (between M and N, in walking distance of all Metro lines--either Convention Center, or Metro Center) on Wednesday, December 15, at 7:30 PM. This is house also known as "The Peace House." Your contact is Pete at

Rally planning
The next planning meeting will be Sunday, December 19, at 1233 12th Street NW at 6 PM. If you are interested in being part of the rally or wish to volunteer, please email me (Jim) at

DC Spokescouncil
DAWN supports a wide variety of actions on January 20 and in the DC area. Those actions are shared in networking meetings of organizations, affinity groups, and individuals at the DC Spokescouncil. You can also hear about other January 20 actions there. For more information, please go to The next meeting is this Thursday, December 16, 7:30 PM at El-Fishawy Cafe, 4132 Georgia Ave, NW, 1 1/2 blocks from the Georgia Ave/Petwoth Metro.


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