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Wireless security monitoring grows

Great story about wireless security monitoring.
Gene J. Koprowski
United Press International

Last updated: Dec. 10, 2004 at 11:40AM
CHICAGO, Dec. 10 (UPI) — An executive walks into a meeting and unobtrusively puts a stylish pen down on the conference table, atop his notebook. The off-the-record session is for informational purposes only, but down the street from the high-rise office tower where the meeting is being held, a security team in a van with a plumber's logo on it is monitoring the meeting on video screens. They are recording every statement and gesture by the participants based on the imagery and sound being broadcast wirelessly from the executive's pen.
"There are many cool, new technologies becoming available," a spokeswoman for the Steadfast Group, a consulting company that works with utilities on critical infrastructure issues, told UPI's Wireless World. This includes "camera-video transmitters disguised as pens."
-- Wireless World is a weekly series by United Press International covering emerging wireless telecommunications technologies, by Gene Koprowski, who covers technology for UPI Science News. E-mail:

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