Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights

25 Percent of American Population Decimated...

by Cancer...

Mass Murder by the Pharmaceutical and Insurance Industries

"Mainstream" Media Stands by Silently...
One out of every four Americans dies of cancer.

About 1,500 per DAY!!!!

Now, here's the funny part -- the cure for cancer was found, developed, and made public 70 years ago today.

An American scientist, a pathologist and medical researcher named Raymond Royal Rife, cured 16 out of 16 terminally ill cancer patients during an official clinical trial at the University of Southern California. A 100 percent success rate.

Cancer was cured in 1934, and promply suppressed by the AMA, FDA, and other agencies, including the "media," working under orders from the directorates of the chemical, pharmaceutical, and insurance industries.

Buchenwald and Auschwitz were never as efficient and as cruel as the cancer industry is today, still, 70 years later.

Have you lost a friend or a loved one to cancer?
Why, when the cure was discovered 70 years ago?

Mainstream media cover-up and complicity? Yes, absolutely!!

Mass murder? I think one-quarter of the population qualifies....

Want some facts? Try:

Politics in Healing

Rife Biomedical Research Ring

The Power Hour

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