Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Media

Friday - Baltimore Public Access Forum @ Red Emma's

This Friday (12/3) representatives from Baltimore Grassroots Media will appear at Red Emma's to discuss the importance of Public Access and the current struggle to preserve it for Baltimore. This forum comes at a crucial time. The Baltimore City Council is believed to be only days away from approving a new contract that will eliminate funding for a functional Baltimore Public Access. This is a move towards allocating the local cable spectrum entirely to Comcast.

Labor, peace and social justice activists (of all stripes) who are interested in learning what strategies are being utilized in order to preserve this vital outlet for community-based media are encouraged to attend this timely forum and participate in the discussion.

Date: 12/3/04
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Est. duration: 2 hours.
Cost: Free!
Contact: Kelly, 240-441-0898

Red Emma's
800 St. Paul Street

Public Access Forum (12/3) Agenda:

Opening Comments: Presenter - Kelly E. Crawford

Past History of Public Access:
Presenters: Mike Shea and Gene Balbierz

Public Access - Present Day Use:
Roundtable Discussion
Presenters: Jim George, Joan Floyd

Future of Public Access:
Video from Greg Whitehair
Baltimore Grassroots Media Business Plan

Questions and Answer Session
OP/ED by John Desantis

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