Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Military

Networks Actual and Potential: Think Tanks, War Games and the Creation of Contemporary American Politics

a discussion with the Information Politics subgroup
of The Coming Community

Wednesday Dec. 1st.
6:30 PM
Red Emma's Bookstore Coffeehouse
800 St. Paul St
The Coming Community is a group of anthropology researchers at Johns
Hopkins University who are engaged in research into war and
globalization. On Dec. 1st, the Information Politics subgroup will
present their initial work on the role of think tanks within the
American national security state, dissecting the linkages between such
institutions as the RAND corporation and DARPA and the conceptual,
economic, and organizational structures operative in the US military
industrial complex. The researchers who will be presenting their work
wish to discuss these issues rather than lecture about them, and to
that end it has been requested that people who will be attending have
a look at their article "Networks Actual and Potential: Think Tanks,
War Games and the Creation of Contemporary American Politics"
beforehand. Copies of this article will be available at Red Emma's
from Saturday evening on, and the article can also be obtained online: (online version) (ms word version)

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