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Dispelling the Darkness

What are these towers for? Concentration camps in America?
Feds set to toss millions of innocent Americans into gruesome factories of torture and death?… Could it be? Sounds preposterous. Yet…in this video, Texe Marrs marshals overwhelming evidence so convincing it boggles the mind:

GULAG, USA - Concentration Camps in America



-Congressman Jack Brooks...exposing the existence of top secret FEMA plan, Rex 84, a scheme to roundup American dissidents into camps and suspend the Constitution.

-The forcible incarceration of innocent Japanese-Americans by socialist President Franklin D. Roosevelt in "internment camps"…and the brutal treatment resisters received.

-The 2,000-plus Communist concentration camps in the U.S.S.R., where millions perished. The testimony of a former Soviet persecutor.

-Railroad cars, complete with chains and shackles, designed to transport victims to camps—discovered in the U.S.A.

-Sightings of actual concentration camps inside the U.S.A., with guard towers and crematoria, prepared for a signal from the elite to begin their heinous operations.

-The U.S. Air Force manual (Garden Plot, Plan 55-2) outlining the operations of camps to imprison civilians.

-"Operation Cablesplicer"—the secret plan to identify and target resisters to the New World Order and arrest and incarcerate these men and women when the order is given.

-The torture tools to be used in tomorrow’s "chambers of horror," to include high tech laser weapons, thumbscrews, chainsaws, electric shock, branding irons, skull crushers, and guillotines.

-Historical examples of concentration camp horrors in Hitler’s Nazi Germany, Japan’s imperial regime, Pol Pot’s Cambodia and in colonial Africa.

-The Coming Great Day of Purification—in the United States!

-The satanic rationale for blood to be shed, the sick religious doctrine of the Illuminati, and the New Age plot to "purify and cleanse" mother earth of "negative karmic influences."

-The hidden U.S. history of concentration camp programs and government-sanctioned mass murder and genocide, including the occultic Phoenix Program in Vietnam, in which tens of thousands of men, women, and teenagers, convicted of no crimes, were abducted, imprisoned, tortured, raped, mutilated, and killed. These horrendous crimes were approved and supervised at the highest levels of the U.S. intelligence and military communities, with the express knowledge of our U.S. Congress and Presidents Nixon and Johnson.

-The inside story of Pastor Jim Jones, his socialist Peoples Temple, and the CIA’s massacre of over 900 in Guyana. Jones prison camp was, in fact, an experimental, mind control death camp, and the victims did not commit suicide—they were ruthlessly murdered by a CIA hit team.

-Dozens of former U.S. military installations in over 28 states converted to federal prisons and to "internment camps"—waiting for innocent citizens who refuse to go along with the fed’s plot to suspend the constitution’s Bill of Rights.

-Secret underground bases, subterranean "cities," and miles-long tunnels and caverns in Texas, Kansas, Virginia, and elsewhere, to house millions of pre-identified citizens scheduled to be imprisoned as threats to national security.

-The United Nations role in the genocidal massacre of almost one million men, women, and children.


"Worldwide Electronic Mind Control via 'Cell Phone' Towers"

-- The day is now approaching in which government mind control technologies will be directed at you, your neighbors, and your loved ones. Every single day, equipment is being erected and installed in this country with the hidden purpose of exerting mind control over the entire population.

Everywhere in this country (and overseas), ELF/microwave transmission towers are being erected. The antennae usually look like four slightly curved vertical plates about 2 feet in length and located in either 3 or 4 quadrants around the tower, two thirds up from the ground. Just look around, you'll see them. And you'll also notice more of them going up once you begin to pay attention. No one is saying anything,
but you're expected to presume that they're for cell phones.

(Do you really think that we need that much 'cell phone' transmission capability, every few blocks? Do you realize how very little energy is used by genuine cell phone usage? Yet these towers are capable of putting out levels of power that exceed cell phone requirements by a wide margin)

These mind control technologies have been in place for a long time. It's not an accident that the frequency band chosen for cell phone use just happens to match the second order waves that Wilhelm Reich discovered in the late 1940's to effect thought transmission and allow
the mind to be manipulated without the victim realizing it.

Reich worked on this project secretly for the CIA for over 5 years, from 1947-1952, until he realized who the CIA was planning to use the mind control on -the American people. He was outraged that he was deceived and used for such a treasonous motive and swore never to cooperate with the CIA, FDA, etc. again.

Reich was murdered in Federal prison in 1957, just a few weeks before he was due to be released, having been in prison for 2 years on a trumped up charge leading to a contempt of court citation. He was reported to have had a 'heart attack'.

He was strong as an ox. He was murdered two weeks before his parole board hearing. His last book, written in prison, was found to be 'missing' after his death and never returned to his family.

Don & Carol Croft, have found a method to disable these ELF towers from exerting their mind control functions by placing a simple device known as an orgone generator within a radius of 1,300 feet of these towers.

Don has been documenting his nationwide efforts to neutralize the secret government's electronic mind control agenda along with their genocidal chemtrail program in his Adventures of Don & Carol Croft. I strongly urge you to read these journal entries, as they contain extremely powerful insights and techniques to overcome the tyranny and enslavement that we now face here in America.


It is essential that people become aware that the banking system can cut off your access to your VISA, or MasterCard any time they like.... They don't need an excuse, and there is no trial involved.

They can always say, "whoops, our mistake.."

I strongly advise everyone, every patriotic American, every Liberty-loving individual, to get at least some small denomination gold coins, in addition to cash, and keep it handy.

If those who operate the ATMs don't like your political opinions, or they get a call from some self-appointed big cheese, it's nothing for them to cut you off. Be smart, don't let them bully you - be prepared.

I highly recommend:

-- a few, small, gold coins

-- a Terminator Zapper

-- a BERKEY water filter

and plenty of Tower Busters...

Excellent sources of true information: (especially "Matrix of Evil" and "Gulag USA" "

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