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Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Middle East

Zionist Myth: There Never Was A Nation Of Palestine

If one digs deeply into the dark crevasse of history, you shall find surprisingly different truths than that which mankind has been spoon-fed for the last two hundred years or more!

First of all, the root cause of much of the terrorism that occurred in the last century was not from the actions of Muslim extremists, but rather from the diabolical planning of the ruthless, inhuman, international Zionists, who not only blew up the King David Hotel while hundreds of inocent people were inside, but also attacked several peaceful Palestinian towns such as Deir Yassin and butchered and massacred their inhabitants!

This "Palestinian Holocaust" was the sole reason why some 700,000 Palestinian's fled in Terror from their homes back on April 9, 1948!

David Ben Gurion so upset when he heard the news about these massacre's, which were undertaken by members of the Stern and Urgun gangs with tactical support from the Haganah, the Jewish military organization , that he personally apologized to the King of Jordan.

The Urgun gang was headed by Menachem Begin. Izak Shamir was a member of the Stern Gang. Isn't it a bit strange how two former Terrorists and war criminals can later be reformed as leaders of the Nation of Israel, yet Yasser Arafat, a fighter for the Palestinian people, shall always be remembered in the minds of the many Israeli's as nothing more than an lowlife terrorist, who should have, as Mark Williams (if that is indeed his or her name) a working urinal placed above his head!

The present Zionist government in Israel is desperately trying to hide the bloody circumstance's which led to the birth of their beloved Israel. A birth that was born in Palestinian Blood!

Through Zionist revisionist lies, they hope to erace from history the memory of Deir Yassin and the other towns. They want us to believe that gang members gave ample warning to the inhabitants to come out from their homes. They claim that they were being fired upon by soldiers inside these homes.

These gang members cut open the bellies of pregnant palestinian women and ripped their unborn babies from their mothers wombs and stomped on them!

They herded many young Palestinian men on the backs of their trucks and paraded them through the Jewish sections, before finally shotting them all dead!

Through their lies, Zionists want the world to believe that there "never has been, never will be a nation called “Palestine.” 1.) see attached coin and currency exhibits.

That the Palstinian were an nomadic people who were just passing through this area and therefore did not own any of the homes there.

That “Palestine” exists only as a vehicle for the
extermination of an entire people and a major goal of Islamic Jihad in its war against civilization.

The truth is that for two thousand years, Jews, Christians and Muslims got along wonderfully in this area plus everywhere in the middle-east.

Isn't it funny that before the creation of the Nation of Israel, the United States had no enimies in the middle-east and now we have no friend's there...except for that growling little bulldog of a nation, sweet little Israel.

A nation that caused devision amoung the people's of many countries such as the Sudan; Lebanon and others, many to sell the waring factions Israeli made weapons, which just happen to be peaceful little Israel's main export. 2.)

It was Israel that contined to supply the white racist government of F.W. de Klerk in South Africa, with all kinds of weaponry, while millions of people all around the world over were supporting a worldwide boycott against South African products.

Israel's support to the Nationist regime didn't hasten the day when jailed African National Congress leader Nelson Mandela would be freed from twenty-seven years in prison.

The Palestinian people were as much indigenous to the area as the Jews were. They both lived side by side in peace for centuries untill the Zionist dream was implemented and put into full swing with tdonations from Jews worldwide, plus help from The United States; Great Britian and the former Soviet Union.

2.) Every Spy A Prince, 1990, Houghton Miifflin, The Complete History of Israel's Intelligence Community

Deir Yassin Remembered:

To buy an Kofiya, the symbol of Palestinian Resistance, please go to either or both of the these wonderful sites. Yasser Arafat used to wear his Kofiya as his strong statement in the fight for a Palestinian homeland.

You can also wear your very own Kofiya and demonstrate to the world your support to the Palestinian people. In doing so, you will also be helping the Palestinian people living in Occupied Palestine to be able to survive from Israeli sponsored state terrorism!

Palestinian Children's Welfare Fund:

Paltime: Palestinian products solely made in Palestine by Palestinian workers in the Palestinian Occupied land.
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Palestine bond 2.jpg
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