Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Gender and Sexuality : Protest Activity

Hot Pinks Riots in DC: J20

This is a call to action for all queers and trannies and genderfucks of the radical sort to organize with Queer Fist NYC for a J20 action in Washington, DC.
Obviously a slew of radical and anarchist groups are getting ready to pull off some fierce shit in DC to counter the inauguration of our UNITING NOT DIVIDING president (i mean, i know he brings US together often), and Queer Fist NYC is no different. Here is an open call for all revolutionary dykes, punk fags, hard-core trannies, riotous bisexuals, anarchist genderqueers and any sort of inflammatory homo to organize a contingent with Queer Fist for the counter-inauguration on January 20th in Washington, DC. Our action(s) are still in the planning stages, so I suggest you and yours get in on the ground floor! To connect with us in Queer Fist, write an email to OR to get really involved, get on the listserv. For that, send an email to

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