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SOA and Plutocracy

Another symbol of plutocracy ruling the US

Illinois Congressman Jerry Weller weds Daughter, Rios Sosa, of Former Guatemalan Dictator Efrain Rios Montt. They met while the congressman was on a trade mission.

Who is Montt?

Ríos Montt began his career in the Guatemalan Army in 1946 as a cadet, rising to the rank of brigadier-general in 1972. His training includes a period at the notorious US Army School of the Americas (SOA - since renamed the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation). Dubbed the "school of assassins" at the time, the SOA provides instruction in counterinsurgency strategies and tactics, psychological warfare, torture and assassination. Ríos Montt takes a "special course" at the school in 1950.

1982: The 14 months of Ríos Montt's rule become the bloodiest in Guatemala's history. Mayans suspected of sympathising with the guerillas suffer mass killings and atrocities, including the rape of women and girls, and the widespread use of torture. Over 400 Mayan villages are razed. Crops and livestock are destroyed. The insurgency is contained but with a tragic human cost.

As the terror reigns, Ríos Montt broadcasts weekly sermons on morality (He's an evangelical christian). His regime and policies are supported by the US Government and US-based, right-wing religious groups. US President Ronald Reagan is reported as saying that Ríos Montt is a "a man of great personal integrity" who is "getting a bum rap on human rights".

It is estimated that during the period of Ríos Montt's rule about 70,000 civilians have been killed or "disappeared". During the period 1981 to 1983 about 100,000 have been killed or "disappeared" and between 500,000 and 1.5 million displaced, fleeing to other regions within the country or seeking safety abroad.

Ms. Rios Sosa, an active supporter of her father directed his his most recent presidential campaign.

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