Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : Globalization : Media : Miscellaneous : Right Wing : U.S. Government

The "A" in USA PATRIOT Act

A reminder that "USA PATRIOT" Act is an acronym and should always be written in ALL CAPS. The right wing successfully uses language to undermine progressives. We need to engage in the war of words.
The "A" in the acronym "PATRIOT" stands for "Appropriate." Many of us think that the "Tools" of the USA PATRIOT Act are not "Required" nor "Appropriate."

We fall into the trap of the droning mass media hypnosis when we write or read "Patriot" written as if refering to Paul Revere.

Be part of the war of words by constantly reminding writers and editors to capitalize "USA PATRIOT" Act, and telling them why this is important.

USA PATRIOT Act: Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism.

Cut and past the text above to a file for future reference. Then use it as part of the war of words.

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