Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : Culture : Economy : Elections & Legislation : Environment : Globalization : Health Care : Miscellaneous

Whose Values? Our Values !

The right-wing in the US claims to have taken over the "values" high-ground. The left has values too. A few examples that need to be on the tips of our tongues, and emblazed into peoples minds.
The left needs to make it clear what values we stand for. As examples:

+ Decreasing the wealth gap;

+ Health care as a right not a privilege;

+ Preservation of the commons;

+ Rights of real persons supersede rights of corporate "persons;"

+ Mass media distribution networks are public not private (electromagnetic and satellite spectra, natural monopoly cable networks)

+ Democratic freedoms and decisions supersede economic freedoms;

+ The environment and natural living resources have rights that must be protected at the constitutional level;

Add more basic "values" in the comments below.

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