The concept of a Free Store is to provide free goods to people who need them. These are goods that would have other wise been thrown away, wasted, left to rot or simply forgotten about. In our consumerist driven society we are overflowing with excess goods. Many of us feel that dropping those goods off at a Goodwill or Salvation Army thrift store helps to keep those in poverty able to access the goods we no longer need. In many instances most of the donations you provide are thrown away, never looked at, never gone through by staff of the organizations. On top of that the prices charged by these places are not exactly cheap, at least not to someone making $6 an hour or less.
The Free Store is geared towards providing those goods for Free while at the same time providing contact between two communities who seem to have the same goals in mind but fail to come together around issues; the activist community and the poor and disenfrachised of our city.
Help make the Free Store a reality. Get involved! Donate your time, your goods, your space, your ideas and your passions!
Free Store Proposal:
From now until Christmas hold a Free Store at areas around Baltimore City with the intention of providing free goods that would have otherwise been thrown away to those who need it. Goods should be of a quality where they are useful, in working order, and provide something of value to those who receive them. Store to be open every weekend on Sunday from 10 am to 3pm, or if not possible on Saturday from 10am to 3pm. I envision these couple of weeks as a trial period of what can become a long running organization in Baltimore.
In addition to providing free goods this would be an opportunity to provide information about anti-capitalism and radical politics to those who come to get the goods.
Location Ideas: (please provide suggestions)
Plaza in front of City Hall
Patterson Park
Druid Hill Park
Near Lexington Market
Churches located in poorer neighborhoods
Where to get the Goods from: (please provide suggestions)
Salvation Army dumpster located on Joppa Road
Various dumpsters
Donations from individuals
Supplies Needed: (please provide suggestions)
Racks to hang clothes on
Tables to put items on
Van or Truck for transportation
Radical and anti-cap literature
Volunteers Needed: (please provide suggestions)
To help collect and sort items - (not everything is worth taking and putting effort into providing to someone else, we need people who can be selective and wise about the decisions they make)
To help store items
To help with transportation
To help with setup, the running of, and breakdown of
To help with outreach/advertising
To find locations where we can host a Free Store
Getting Involved:
If you are interested in getting involved please contact me, Matt, via email at or via phone at 410-340-9004. I would like to get this going within the next two weeks.