Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: [none]

Fate of Public Acess TV Decided in 3-Days

A call-out to Baltimore activists to disply your support for Public Access TV over the next 2-3 days. We need to build this alternative media institution for the future.
Fate of Public Access TV to be Decided 3-Days

+ The Mayor's Office has negotiated a 12-year contract with COMCAST that does not provide dedicated funding to Public Access TV (Cable Ch 5). If adopted by the City Council it will also create a biased oversight body that will quash content.

+ Tell the City Council to vote down the contract. They vote Thursday Nov 14.

You surely agree that we need to build alternative media institutions for the future. It won't happen without your support, because the existing institutions are corrupted.

Actions you Can Take Today

1) Share this link with people. Then, contact them by phone to urge their action.

2) Contact the City Council Members (See below)

3) Contact the media (See below)

4) Add more contact ideas to the "Comments" section below. Just write your comment, then click on "Submit"

5) Remain engaged in this push for the next 6-days.

6) Make plans to attend a public demonstration being planned to sway the City Council vote. Keep your eyes open for info

7) DO NOT say, "Yea, but..."
While progressives say, "Yea, but... " the extreme right marches over us.

City Council Member Contact Link

Cut 'n Paste this:

I urge you, as a representative of the public, to Vote Down the Comcast contract. It is fatally flawed and was negotiated without public involvement.

The contract fails to include meaningful dedicated funding for public access TV, gives up four channels worth about $74 million, and will create a biased body to oversee the public access channel's management and content.

Please contact Baltimore Grass Roots media for more information: 410 523-0212

Media Contacts Below

Cut 'n Paste This Message:

I urge you to please cover the run-up to the City Council's vote on the Comcast Cable Contract (Vote will be on Nov 14). Please ensure you cover the strong public opposition to the contract. We are urging the City Council to Vote Down the Comcast contract. It is fatally flawed and was negotiated without public involvement.

The contract fails to include meaningful dedicated funding for public access TV, gives up four channels worth about $74 million, and will create a biased body to oversee the public access channel's management and content.

Please contact Baltimore Grass Roots media for more information: 410 523-0212

Baltimore Sun
letters AT

Baltimore Times:
(410) 366-3900 x 3022
Fax: (410) 243-1627
Managing Editor Dena Wane x 3022
dwane AT

Sr. Reporter (Sunni Khalid)
Skhalid AT

News Director (Frasier Smith)
fsmith AT

Marc Stiener Show Host:
steiner AT

newsroom AT
(410)372-2590 Managing Editor

community affairs: Cheron Porter
porterc AT
410 372-2661

newsroom AT

WBAL News Tips:
newstips AT

Baltimore News Network:
410 243-4141

FOX 45 - WB 54:
FOX45 Phone: 410-467-4545
WB54 Phone: 410-467-8854

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