Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Dear Michael Moore,


Dear Michael Moore,

With all the political caterwauling that You have done in the last few years
it is NO WONDER that voters came out in DROVES to vote for bush
But we must recognize that Mr. Moore has droned on and on on and on on and on on and on on and on, until even the liberal democrats where driven to vote democrats out of office. the voter backlash from anything associated with the democratic party was purely astounding. As demonstrated by this election. and I am sure that your obsessive droning is one of the major factors in the exodus of voters from OUR cause. Mr. Moore we may never know the damage you have done. but rest assured WE WILL NOT FORGET what you have done to this election and to the DNC

In “17 Reasons Not to Slit Your Wrists...” you write jokes and, trying to cheer the anti war people up, make fun of the moment. I could understand your point of view so) . But now, keep joking and making fun of us is – in my judgment – completely useless and, frankly, immoral. you are an evil person who enjoys seeing the suffering of others.

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