Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: War in Iraq


Stop the U.S. Massacre in Fallujah!
Money for Jobs, Education, and Health Care - Not War! Bring the Troops Home Now!

Wednesday, Nov. 10, 5 P.M. to 6:30 P.M.
Meet at the Corner of Howard and MLK Blvd.
(near the 5th Regime Armory and State Office Complex)
across from the light rail stop

Right now, the Pentagon has launched a full-scale massacre in Fallujah, to
be followed by a campaign to subdue Iraq, crush the risistance, and install
its Abu Ghraib-style occupation.

We have an obligation to respond with great urgency and a renewed commitment
to stopping the war. Many looked to the election for answers, but it is
clear that only the people can stop the war. We must begin planning now for
a new phase of resistance.

The All Peoples Congress calls on everyone - community, trade union, student
and peace activists to come out and say no. Now is the time for unity - to
resist the war!

For information (410) 235-7040

*Students from Morgan State University, Johns Hopkins and Maryland Art
Institute - we urge you to join - consider marching at 3 p.m.

*Join us this Monday, November 8, 7 p.m. at 426 E. 31st Street, APC Hall to
make signs and call friends.

*Join us on Tuesday, November 9th, to rally for justice for hotel workers.

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