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LOCAL News :: Elections & Legislation


Another fine win by the Republicans.
It could be that the huge increase in voters in this election was because the American people like being lied to and deceived. It could be that the young vote came out to support an Administration that is sending their jobs off-shore, and sending the military to far flung
areas of the world where they are murdered almost daily by extremists.

Or it could be that the huge increase in voters was countered by an administration
who came to power by stealing the Florida election in 2000, and now has the ability
to skew electronic voting machines by hacking into the software that was left precariously
vulnerable by the manufacturers of the machines. Remember the Diebold CEO who stated
that he would do "everything in his power" to give Ohio to Bush?

The first report of one evening news show last night was on a woman in New Orleans that said she touched the Kerry box, but her machine recorded a Bush vote. But that wasn't enough. They also did the "Katherine Harris" DIRTY trick of denying democrats a ballot.....140,000 of them in Ohio. By the way, the 57,700 democrats in Florida that were denied a ballot in 2000 are still off the voting rolls and could not vote this year either. The freedom to cheat is George W's favorite freedom.

Another wonderful display of Democracy.

Another fine win Mr. President.

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