Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

News :: Activism : Elections & Legislation

Vote in the streets TODAY !!

Baltimore Nov 3 Protest
No To Stolen Elections!

Today 5 p.m. at Center and Charles
We?ll have stuff there for you to make posters, banners, etc.
Our new puppets will be attending as well. Bring yourself, a friend,
posters, chalk, poems, music, food, whatever you want. Come in costume if
you wish.

When your government has troops stationed around the world, lets big
corporations write the rules of the global economy, and pushes racist
policies that promote fear, undermine civil liberties, and rip off working
people, you are living in an empire. Empire is as system of global control
that combines international aggression with domestic repression to create
a deeply undemocratic world. This year we are going to see a swell in
voter turnout everywhere to take this country in a different direction.
But even so, our votes--if we are able to vote at all--will not restore
justice, give health care to all, or end US empire.

On the day after the presidential election, people from all walks of life
across America are mobilizing in their communities to go beyond voting and
demonstrate visions for a truly democratic society: town hall meetings,
popular assemblies, educational events, actions against corporate criminals, and emergency demonstrations in case of another stolen
election... With all these events pre-organized and if Bush steals the
election again we?ll be ready to mobilize a national campaign of mass
non-cooperation. But no matter who wins, we will be uniting to build a
pro-democracy movement in the heart of the empire.

If we want to live in a real democracy voting at the ballot box is not
enough! We have to vote with our feet, our hands, our voices and our
imaginations every day of the year.

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