Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Activism

Update on Reclaim the Streets

Update on RTS!
At this time there are confirmed three arrests that took place during the Reclaim the Streets event. With a possible three more that took place after the event.

The police came into the dancing crowd of roughly 50 to 60 people, were asking people questions, then they started taking down the barricades. As they came back through telling people to get out of the street one of the police grabbed an individual for what seemed like no apperant reason. As another individual held onto that person in an attempt to pull them from the police grip, another cop came from behind and attempted to grab him as well. That person took off, a chase ensued, and the person was thrown to the ground by a bystander who appeared to be a construction worker. He was then handcuffed.

As more and more police arrived the group milled about in the park surronding the street, as well as directly underneath of the Washington Monument. The third person arrested was sitting on the sidewalk playing a drum. From what I saw the police told him to move, he did not, he was then placed in handcuffs. At that time the police pushed everyone out of the park, and the remaining group walked to a meet up spot to discuss further actions. During all of this time a police helicopter was overhead and we were being followed by a number of unmarked cars.

While at the meeting spot a group of six or so individuals were outside. In groups of three they were walking to their cars when the group that stayed back a bit witnessed police pull up and detain the other three people. At this time it is unknown of their whereabouts. It is asumed they were arrested.

More information will be provided as it comes in.

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