Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: U.S. Government

News Junkie Scott's predictions for the "election"

most people know that i walk around all day wearing a tin foil cap and talking to the planet HGRK. I'm a conspiracy nut, etc.

keeping that in mind here's what has happened. We are in the final stages of a media election coup d'etat. John Kerry has not been running a serious campaign. He skipped the March for Women:

I was there. There were 1.2+ million people, mostly women. the energy was enormous. if Kerry had showed up many of the women would have dedicated the next six months entirely for his campaign. They would have moved mountains for him.

but he wasn't going to enable his campaign to get started. he has not been playing for keeps.

in my opinion (and let me put planet HGRK on hold here) Kerry is playing the role of Gore. The idea is to create the idea that we're heading for another electoral tie. However, the media will claim that Bush wins by a small margin.

[Wednesday edit:]
AP will be sole source of vote count for news agencies:

Once that happens there will be a lot of disappointment. but a lot of people will go back to thinking that they're still living in a democracy. they'll denounce the 911 Truth Movement (which is making enormous headway) as being a group of idiots not worth listening to.

everything will quiet down until sometime next year when the next "attack" occurs. That's when they implement martial law.

sorry to come off like i'm totally nuts. However, if Wednesday rolls around and it seems like my prediction was right then please consider doing the following:

1. watch: '911: In Plane Site':

2. get others to watch it.


p.s. it is a good idea to help out with local candidates today. I helped out Balto Green party candidate for city council Myles Hoenig.

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