Green Party Activity in Maryland - Election Coverage 2004
Eight Green Party City Council Candidates
Matt Clark Dist. 1
The current system of city government "lacks the checks and balances fundamental to democracy, and has created a City Council which can provide constituent services but not change the way things are done." - Matt Clark
Bill Barry Dist. 3
"The biggest issues in Baltimore are the dominance of one party for decades, and the creation of a kind of third-world city, neglecting city residents and city workers. The revenues that Baltimore City gets are funneled toward the Inner Harbor area, for wealthy residents and tourists, while citizens of the city are asked to do with less." - Bill Barry
David Greene Dist. 4
"I feel very strongly that we should take the profits out of drugs -- it is so much more profitable for society to provide education and jobs than to endure the drug warfare. With the street trade removed, drug treatment might begin to be successful." - David Greene
Dr. Terrence Fitzgerald , Dist. 5
"At the same time that our cities die, unimaginable tax cuts are being given to businesses and to the rich. We cannot be content to carve up a few crumbs that are left for cities like Baltimore, while our national treasury is robbed. Elected local officials must take the lead. THIS is the role I see for members of Baltimore's City Council." - Terrance Fitzgerald
Paul Dibos , Dist. 12
"I believe the most powerful action we can take as citizens of the United States is to deliver the government of, by, and for the people' back into the hands of citizens and away from corporate interests." - Paul Dibos
Glenn L. Ross, Dist. 13
* Endorsed by the Baltimore Sun *
"My history as a citywide community activist has always been addressing the issues of trash, rats, abandoned properties, community despair, education and leadership skills, to name a few. Dealing with just these issues can change social behavior in our city today." - Glenn Ross
Myles Hoenig, Dist. 14
"As one who has been working to protect the community and forest of Woodberry, I am intimately involved in land development issues. Bottom line on this is that communities should have near veto power of development in their neighborhood and full access to the decision-making process." - Myles Hoenig
Joan Floyd , Council President
"This summer,
The Sun credited Floyd’s “eagle eye” with saving a city park that was erroneously slated for sale to a developer." (10/20/04 Baltimore City Paper)
Find out more about the Baltimore City Green Party http://www.baltimoregreens.org/cands.php
State-Level Green Party Candidates

Seven Maryland Green Party Congressional Candidates
In the U.S. House of Representatives races, Keith Salkowski is running in Maryland’s 2nd district, Patsy Allen is running in the 3rd district, Theresa Dudley is running in the 4th district, Bob Auerbach is running in the 5th district, and Greg Hemingway is running in the 6th district. Maria Allwine is running for U.S. Senate.
The Green Party is Growing in the US
The number of candidates, and elected officials, continues to grow each election season in the United States. As of September 2004, at least 212 Green Party members were holding elected offices in 27 states. The growth of many other partys has leveled off or has shrunk in recent years.
CLICK to see Greens Elected in the US
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