Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

News :: Elections & Legislation

November 3rd Nationwide Day of Action

A time for popular outrage and widespread non-cooperation if Bush is elected, if the elections are canceled, or if there is overt election fraud again. No matter who wins, we will be uniting to open up a new political space to define democracy as grassroots and participatory.

What if on the day after the presidential election people from all walks of life across America mobilized in their communities to go beyond voting and demonstrate our visions for a truy democratic society? Because the crisis of our democracy did not start with Bush and won't end with Kerry, the Beyond Voting campaign is calling for our election year debate to expand beyond Democrats versus Republicas to the larger issue of whether the U.S. will be a Democracy or an Empire. No matter who wins, we will be uniting to open up a new political space to define democracy as grassroots and participatory.

November 3rd actions planned so far:
Amherst | Asheville | Athens | Baltimore | Boston | Burlington | Chapel Hill | Chicago | Columbus 1 2 3 | Davis | Denver | Gainesville | Greensboro | Las Vegas | Minneapolis / St. Paul | New York | Pittsburgh | Portland | Reno | Sacramento | San Diego | San Francisco 1 2 | Santa Rosa | Tucson | Washington D.C.

Sister networks mobilizing on November 3:
No Stolen Elections | This Time We're Watching


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