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National Fightback Conference Nov. 13-14 NYC

After the elections--no matter who wins--there needs to be a serious discussion about how to move the struggle forward. And that is exactly what hundreds of activists will be doing in New York City over the weekend of November 13-14 at a National Fightback Conference sponsored by Workers World Party.
National Fightback Conference Nov. 13-14, NYC
Workers World Party 21 Oct 2004 17:37 GMT

After the elections--no matter who wins--there needs to be a serious discussion about how to move the struggle forward. And that is exactly what hundreds of activists will be doing in New York City over the weekend of November 13-14 at a National Fightback Conference sponsored by Workers World Party.


You are invited to attend a
Sponsored by Workers World Party
November 13-14, New York City

This year we have seen huge mobilizations for immigrant rights, women's rights, against war and occupation, and most recently the splendid Million Worker March that addressed many of these issues as well as workers' rights.

After the elections--no matter who wins--there needs to be a serious discussion about how to move the struggle forward. And that is exactly what hundreds of activists will be doing in New York City over the weekend of November 13-14 at a National Fightback Conference sponsored by Workers World Party.

You are invited to participate in this timely and urgently needed discussion. The Fightback Conference is open to all who really want to end war, bring the troops home, fight for workers' rights, and build a movement against capitalism and racism.

The conference will be held at a public school located in Manhattan at 281 9th Ave. & West 27 St. The conference schedule is Sat., Nov. 13, 10 am-7 pm, Sun., Nov. 14, 10 am-3:30 pm. Registration starts at 9 am on both days.

Many people coming from around the country are new to the socialist movement, while others are activists representing a wide variety of struggles. The speakers and workshop facilitators will represent struggles involving labor, immigrants, youth, disabled people, prisoners, communities of color, women, lesbian/gay/bi/trans, and national liberation movements, as well as struggles for socialism and against imperialism, repression and war.

Conference participants will discuss the meaning of the election results and map out strategies for the struggles ahead against capitalism's war on workers and oppressed people here and around the world. A brochure that lists many of the topics that will be taken up at the conference can be downloaded at

NATIONAL YOUTH ORGANIZING MEETING. Revolutionary youth in F.I.S.T.--Fight Imperialism, Stand Together--are inviting young activists to a national organizing meeting during the conference to discuss fighting military recruiting and the draft, youth in the struggle against racism and repression, and much more. For information about this meeting, write to

REGISTER FOR THE CONFERENCE NOW. Please register for the conference right away using online registration form at

PLEASE HELP GET OUT THE WORD about this exciting conference. Please feel free to invite anyone you think would be interested in participating. If you have any questions, ideas, or suggestions about the conference, please call the New York office at 212-627-2994 or email us at

YOU CAN ALSO ASSIST BY MAKING A FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION. The expenses of hosting a conference of this scope in New York are considerable--from hall rental, to housing and food, to publicity. Your donation will contribute to the conference's success. Donations can be mailed or made online at

Workers World Party
National Headquarters
55 W. 17 Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10011
(212) 627-2994

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